Archeology. There are pyramids in Chiapas that have been barely looked at.
Sounds like that needs both archeologists and architects, really.
How much goes to stats
I hope the 7 year old thought the frogs needed therapy too.
A few years ago I took the boys camping on our annual mom and the boys trip.
And on the last day, we packed up camp then went to the beach until it was early afternoon and time to go home.
J1 had caught a plethora of frogs that morning and was crying over being required to let them go. Eventually, he went to the weeds and then up to the car.
At which point, I was approached by another child ‘um, your son? J1? He has five frogs in his pockets’
He was totally trying to smuggle them into the van and home. I don’t know what his plan was after that
i may have just repurposed this to be about me talking about beyoncé’s ever-evolving artistry long past anyone’s actual interest
Gonzo and the rainbow dumpster made real lols.
Yeah I full on snorted at the gonzo one. Couldn’t come share fast enough especially because for whatever reason my news app was bringing me high fashion/runway news for a while? So far out of my Costco mom clothes orbit it was fascinating. I definitely remember seeing articles about one of Ye’s brown gender neutral sack-dress things.
They average against times when there is no volume because the lines are closed?
In honor of “X” being fined for putting up a sign they didn’t permit with the city and there was risk to stuff falling on pedestrians
aT lEaSt Im FuNnY