One of Australia’s betting agencies paid out over 24h ago on Biden
This is not a common question in Australia but when travelling I’ve been asked this by random Americans. Im never sure what the best answer is to get them to leave me alone. I usually say that I’m baptised Catholic but that doesn’t always work…
Ooh, that’s kinda scary.
Reminds me of this…
(For non-Americans. Dewey did not defeat Truman. The newspaper tried to meet a press deadline, and got it wrong. Happy guy in the photo is Truman.)
In my small Texas college town “baptised Catholic” was the equivalent of “have not found Jesus”. Catholicism did not count.
(See also- evangelical support of Trump as a Christian savior despite all evidence to the contrary compared to actually religious, but Catholic Biden.)
Its a bit of a marketing thing. They pay out on actual sports games before they end as part of promos. So people often get money on teams that lose if they were in front at a certain point of rhe game
I did tell someone I was Indigenous once and they went on some weird racist tangent about how Indigenous people had been sent to live in the Americas, Australia, NZ various islands because their souls couldn’t be saved. But then white people had been sent to breed with them so their children’s souls could be saved. Was very weird
In the future I will just say yes to found Jesus
Yes, to many Christians the Pope is the Antichrist.
Woah. Yes, that would definitely have me forever after saying “Oh yes I’ve found Jesus love the guy, had him round for dinner last Sunday”
Yes in the fundamentalist church I grew up in, Catholic was equivalent to “not-saved” and still needing to be evangelized to. As a small child I legitimately feared for my Catholic relatives souls, because that’s what my pastor preached.
My inner snark would want to say, “no, why, is he lost?”
The real me would probably pretend my hardest that I didn’t hear the question.
My favorite is when I lived in Indiana for grad school - I once saw a telephone pole with a plain white sign that just said JESUS. Nothing else.
So, yes I found Jesus, on a telephone pole.
This one wins. She is the best. I am disgusted by so much of this election but having her and her example for us all to look up to is a bright spot
I especially love that someone added the crown.
Slow clap! Bravo!
Please help the ignorant, who is she?
Stacey Abrams who delivered GA to the democrats after her defeat for the governorship a few years. Also a best selling romance novelist and Queen of all.
The hero we needed but definitely did not deserve. A prime example of taking a shit situation and turning it into something amazing. I love and hate that so many republicans are now saying they wish she’d won the election so that she wouldn’t have done all the voter reg/anti suppression work