Love is Blind - Season 7

Leo. :roll_eyes: :face_vomiting: :triangular_flag_on_post:

Ep. 5

They don’t go to Mexico. I feel robbed of the fruit of the hate-watching I invested in them. :sweat_smile:

I guess there’s always the Reunion episode … :crossed_fingers:

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I did not watch. But I’m two episodes in to Love is Blind Habibi and I’m so invested in these beautiful people.


Please report back on LIB Habibi. I saw the trailer and am fascinated.


I’m watching LiB Habibi too!

As a cultural outsider, I’m sure a lot of nuance is being lost in translation/dubbing, and in my ignorance of current Arabian dating norms. But I’m enjoying watching rich and good looking people have drama! I’m looking forward to the living-together part (if they’ll do that part?!?), or at least the in-person part. And the families.

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I’m on episode 2 and it is fantastic. There’s a mix of languages and backgrounds and expectations.

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I’m at the part where they are at the resort and there is so much drama.

I don’t like any of the couples, but indivually I like some of them.