Legal cannabis products for sleep?

So I think I have at least four pot shops within walking distance of my new house.

I still struggle with sleep issues some nights. Am thinking of experimenting a bit. You know, for science.

I don’t really want to feel loopy, or get the munchies too bad. But would like to have an alternative to sleeping pills or tylenol PM.

Any suggestions? I have never smoked proper pot (tried to dry a bunch of marijuana leaves that were growing by the roadside in Bhutan over a candle flame one time – that had predictably mediocre results) or taken edibles, etc. Definitely want a gummy or a baked good or something as the delivery mechanism – do not want to smoke.


So edibles/gummies can come with varying levels of both THC and CBD in them.

I don’t really use any more, but I’ve a 2mg THC indica gummy/chocolate is often rec’d for people who don’t use pot typically and want to get a little sleepy without getting loopy/high. If you don’t feel it the first couple times, you can always double up later and work out what the best dosage is for you. 5mg gets a lot of people high, 10mg is definitely to get high, and 20mg is for outer fucking space.

One thing is to note that it is not an instantaneous high - you have to digest it - so if you don’t feel something in the first 30 minutes, don’t take more. Wait a full hour lol. Especially if you ate recently.

Another thing is that edibles can give you a weed hangover. When Wizard takes them, it’s usually at like 3pm, so it’s cleared out of his system when he wakes up in the morning. He’s definitely taking 5-10mg, so a higher dose, but I’d suggest trying it for the first time when you don’t need to be up early.

THC absorbs best with a little fat so imo go chocolates if you can. :joy:

Also the people in your pot shop will definitely have recommendations!!!


I use an edible that’s basically a skittle. It’s 2 mg of thc and leaves me feeling sleepy and relaxed but not high. I take it at 5pm, feel relaxed/ sleepy around 7/7:30 pm, and then sleep through the night after going to bed at 9. I usually have 2-3 per month since starting in April


Interesting! I don’t usually take mine more than an hour before bed. Unless getting a little high is part of my intent. For sleep I take 5mg before I start unwinding for bed. (I shower at night, so it takes me longer.)

I support this experiment. It is my absolute favorite sleep aid and you know what a square I am!


I don’t think it really works on me but I want to find other methods for sleep anyway. But interested in following the discussion!


I don’t know how many of you remember my pot trial and how it did barely anything to me. Now I’m remembering that I slowly dosed up to 15mg over multiple, very cautious tries (this amount was safe according to my friend’s neighbors who happened to run a women-owned pot collective :joy:), but nothing much happened?? I just got a tiny bit sleepy. I gave the chocolate to MJ who later reported that it was really strong stuff and she was high for an entire day!

And then there was the time my sister gave me a Sativa gummy but she was making cocktails and I had 4 taste sips (which is a lot of alcohol for me) and I had a really bad experience. World spinning but then when I closed my eyes I wanted to throw up. I don’t know if it’s because of the combo but it was a terrible experience.


Interesting! I wonder if there are people with certain genetic profiles that aren’t affected by the chemicals somehow – like that thing where cilantro tastes like soap for some people?

One other quick question: I know markets will vary in different states, but how much do these things cost generally? I have the cash, but don’t want to waste it.


In Canada it’s like $12 for 4ish gummies.

Only the biggest pot heads with time available seem to take the doses I hear about the Americans taking - I wonder if it varies?

It doesn’t help me fall asleep but helps with quality. If it’s a gummy I’d do like a 4:1 ratio CBD:THC and stay asleep and wake up better. G’s cocktail of choice is melatonin plus weed


Apparently I may be low in some drug-metabolizing enzymes!

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My bag of skittles was $15 for 100mg (40 skittles). I misremembered when I posted yesterday - each skittle is 2.5mg not 2mg. The package says a “serving” is 4 skittles/10 mg

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