Job Hunting Support Group

They replied that they’re still informing candidates so perhaps I’m on some secondary list and they’re waiting for other people to accept or decline? Hopefully this is a good sign that I’m not an immediate “no.”


Got an email with another first round interview questionnaire for this—will fill out this week

This one is slightly more focused on collection building which I’m very interested in learning


It’s more job search adjacent, but today Ask A Manager has an open thread on tips for being a neurodiverse manager and general work tips. There’s some good ideas there already but probably more by the end of the day.


OK so it’s the same questionnaire. Do I submit different answers? Gah


So yesterday they emailed to say they’re not hiring for this job this year after all. At least they let him know something this time?

Taking bets how long before they call back about it again. I don’t know if this year means this calendar year or their fiscal year (not that I know which fiscal year they follow).


I have submitted the second job questionnaire


I did not get a job with CPL. Yet. I got a nice rejection email today that said I’m basically approved to work but there weren’t enough openings. So it was more of a “we like you but you’re not at the top of the list” situation. Speaking of list, they are keeping me on a list of people they’re ready to hire for a year.

Do I have a lot of faith there will be openings next year? No! Not with the way the city is currently managing a budget shortfall. So. We shall see! But I’m encouraged that I interviewed well enough to make it through the hiring process despite not having any in-library work experience.

Now I’m hoping to hear back from the two university library jobs I submitted first round questionnaires for


Ooh that is a promising rejection! Sucks that it’s a rejection, still.