Is iBotta worth it?

Does anyone use iBotta? is it a scam to get all my information? does it matter since i share it all with my iphone and/or loyalty cards anyways? anyone suggest it?


I use it. It’s definitely meant to harvest your data and try to get you to use coupons as marketing, but my YTD earnings on it are $145.96 I use it + fetch for most receipts. The payouts on Ibotta are higher than fetch, but I find I have to do more work for the ibotta rewards.

If you are willing to do a bit more legwork, ibotta can be very profitable if you combine it with other coupon deals at like CVS. I probably get ~$10 of free groceries with it on an average month, but I do live near multiple chains. I almost never get ibotta credit for Trader Joe’s and my local Grocery Outlet because they don’t have enough of the things with benefits.

My referral code if you’re interested:

(I have one for fetch, too).


I had it for a while years ago but it seemed to mostly involve getting credit for processed foods that we don’t eat. Is it still like that?

Yea it’s mostly coupons. So I use it for things like soy milk, pretzels, vegan cheese, pasta. Most of my grocery spending is veggies but it comes in handy for free stuff. You also get around $.50 back on various receipts without a brand attached.

Works really well for things like makeup and household goods in my experience

Thanks. Think I’ll give it a shop. Do my grocery shopping at big chains.

Where I really saved money with Ibotta was alcohol. There was consistently $5 to $10 cashback on booze. If you drink, it will probably be worth it.