Introduce Yourself Here

Hi all, I’m another person who found my way here via the MMM forum. I’m Littlebird (35F) and I have one husband (37M) and two kids (4F and 2M). We are a high-earning, medium-spending family. My money goals are always to cut spending until just before it starts to hurt, with the dream of retiring in maybe 5 years. We recently Covid-fled the suburbs of Boston to be closer to family in Vermont because my husband is now able to work remotely and I said let’s get the fuck out of here.


Welcome! I was also a Covid flight, but not nearly that far. Have you already made the move?


Hi Littlebird! :wave:

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Yes, we moved in January. Which was probably one of the crazier things I’ve ever done. Nobody moves to Vermont in January.


Oh man I can imagine. :grimacing: hopefully it’ll make spring and summer all the more magical? Lol.

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We are in the burbs of Boston! We would love to flee to VT…welcome! :slight_smile:


You put a song in my head. It’s kind of random, not like a big hit or anything and pretty old, but it starts with, “Little bird…”

Anyway, welcome!


@sbreaux here. Mature (old) state and local tax person working along the Gulf Coast. Love tax policy matters (yeah, I am definitely a flake) and defending taxpayers when the few “rogue” auditors overstep their authority. Thankful that the majority of taxing authority personnel are good honest people just trying to get the right amount collected from people and businesses. Please remember that we may not like taxes but we do like roads, schooling and emergency services (fire, police) while hoping never needed.


Hello @Sbreaux this CPA says welcome! I mostly do audits of municipals and and nonprofits though we also audit a few nursing homes. Our tax practice is tiny.


Welcome Sbreaux!

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¡Hola! I’m a long-time admirer of the OMD podcast and brand new to the forums. I live in the Portland area and dream of owning a home someday…so here I am, to get my budget right and make that happen! I’m also working to budget my time better and get some side hustle ideas off the ground.



Welcome! I love your avatar!

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Hi Roses!

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I am Rodeo! Have heard a lot about this forum from @Meowkins for a while!
I’m in my mid 30’s, worked in non-profits for entire professional career, everything I learned about money is from Meowkins and her dad lol. I’ve made some smart decisions and some very silly ones, looking to get more control over my finances and impulse purchasing. I’m making more money than I have ever made (it’s not an exorbitant amount, but it’s more than I expected to be making) and I want to be smart about it.
Oh, also, huge nerd, sometimes frustrating and clueless as Meowkins can attest to, and incredibly silly human.
Looking forward to getting to know you folks!


Hello! The system flagged you because you were so eager and posted on @Meowkins journal, it thought you might be a robot (I approved you, decided you didn’t look like a bot!)

Welcome to the forums, I’m super familiar with this on a personal level:

l, the whole reason I got into finance is because I went from making ~$1000 a month in nonprofits for most of my career to $15/hr and then $19/hr and started worrying that I would “waste” it!

Let me know if you need any help finding your way around. Budgetober starts next week and it might be a fun place to dip your toe in: Budgetober STICKERS GETTING SHIPPED - PLEASE FILL IN FORM 🎃👻🦇



