This is mainly wishful thinking right now, but with seemingly everyone making plans to get away somewhere taking a vacation has been on my mind. This is pretty open ended, but how do you plan vacations? Do you have a budget or goal amount you save for, or do you just make plans and try to keep the plans at a reasonable cost? Do you have a running list of places you want to go/things you want to do?
Our options were limited for a long time by having a baby/toddler, and even now I’m reluctant to plan a trip to, say, Hawaii with a six year old when he’d be just as happy going to a beach place we can drive to. Options are probably also going to be limited by availability this year since people are making up for lost time, but I need something more specific than “I’d like to take a trip somewhere sometime at least a few months from now.” With all that I figured I’d see how other people plan things. I’m sure I could google some article that would say how we Should do things (along with lots of helpful ads promoting various places we should spend our money on), but I’m looking for how real life actually works.