Grocery Spending 2023

Wow! Super interesting to see these prices.


I hadn’t had time to actually LOOK at the prices recently, a year ago it was $19/kg for all those items, regardless if I got them at the big supermarket or my butcher.
(Those are the free range prices, I think there was a slightly cheaper less free range option for chicken at the supermarket).


Has the cost of other groceries increased in your area?

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I think i need to find a receipt from a while back to check but i suspect so. It would be reasonable given all the issues our food supply has had over the past couple of years, besides the pandemic we’ve lost transport routes on and off, major crops, manufacturing delays due to both pandemic and flooding. There is supply side issues pushing prices up for sure, but it’s good to actually be like “ok that is actually $2-3 more now.”


Haha yeh I buy exclusively from the liquor specials section. That natural sparkling rosé is really nice but I think it’s usually $30-35 a bottle and that’s getting up there for a cheap wine drinker.


food spend as of Feb 9 is 350. Of that, 200 is restaurants. It is highly unusual for us to come even close to more money spent eating out than eating in. If I wanted to play with numbers I could take out $20 of it for being a work-related meal, as I wouldn’t have paid for it if not for this contract. I used to remove all the work coffees and lunches from my tracked spend because they were not expenses we’d continue to carry in FIRE, they were shadow work expenses that I couldn’t claim.

The shadowy one and I have an ongoing discussion about whether to put in spend that goes against gift cards from my MIL (we have almost $400 in gift cards atm). I think we do because we’d still likely be buying most of that food. The shadowy one counters that if the ILs took us out for a meal that I wouldn’t mark that as shadow spend in the budget.

In the end, we track it because I feel leaving it out implies we expect a similar level of gifting on an ongoing basis - we track to help predict future spend and allocate the appropriate amount of money.

ETA: my birthday dinner ingredient was just ordered using the MIL gift card money, so now we have $360.


The firehose continues. We will recomcile receipts after the party… this one is not too bad but there was a $65 bag of rice and $146 takeout order too…


$5 flashfood box.

That is a lot of pomegranate (3) to figure out.

1 kiwi
5 banana
4 grapefruits
3 clementine?
3 pears
3 zucchini
4 apples
2 tomato
3 peppers


Nice looking haul! I love pomegranate on tabbouleh.

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I’m joining in! I’d like to take it up a notch from my January goal and try to stick to $1100/month on groceries. That includes diapers, wipes, and baby formula, plus food for 2 adults and 2 preteens and household items like dishwasher tabs. I am not the main shopper so the interesting thing is trying to meet this goal without nagging the Boy.

I count the Costco membership as groceries and it’s $120 and just renewed, but we’ll see if we can still do it this month.


that is a great idea. I’m also reminded that one can freeze the seeds, so I might set up two that way (the internet suggests putting them on yogurt!).

The grapefruit is maybe a curd, maybe a marmalade? (Pink Grapefruit Marmalade recip)


Ooo, frozen pomegranate seeds in yogurt sounds divine.


This week I spent $116 between Aldi and my local produce store! I was aiming for around $80 but I impulse purchased a few items I didn’t strictly need, including: frozen soft pretzels, plantains, sunflower seeds, sparkling mineral water, pepperonicini, and some frozen veggie meatballs. I knew I’d be over as I was shopping so I’m ok with it!

I also ended up having to cancel on my friend (for lunch), so thus far we’re still at 0 restaurant food for 2023!


The Boy spent $178 at the supermarket. He reported that he had checked prices on several things- eg, oregano was cheaper in a bag, cauliflower wasn’t as bad this week, mushrooms are expensive.

Wow, people are not kidding about the eggs. $5.50 for a dozen of store brand and they aren’t even cage free! I’m going to run to the Costco Business Center for diapers this week and hopefully they’ll have eggs


We still have lots of veggies left from last week so this was mostly fruit and stockpiling pasta while it’s on sale :face_with_peeking_eye:. My baby cucumbers were refunded, which was a relief because I didn’t intend to order two.

Also that wine was good enough to pay full price apparently.


Fish and chips is the cheapest takeaway dinner. Doesn’t work well as leftovers, though.


My aunt can turn leftover fish into like fish cake things. She makes leftovers into things that were not their original form. Which of course defeats part of the point of leftovers, which is to not have to make food again, but at least it prevents food waste.


I had to pivot quickly on my meal plan this week due to Unfun Reasons. Anyway, instead of going shopping in person (my faaaavorite) and fulfilling all of my homemade dumpling and elaborate bread baking dreams, I’m simplifying.

I placed an Aldi order and dh will do pickup after work. The fee is $1.99 but the prices are also higher when you do pickup order (grr) but that’s ok. I spent $100 total with the fee included, dh will tip $5 in person too. The price is ok for me! I bought more convenience things than usual, so it makes sense. I’m just so grateful for this pickup service. I love it so much. The added bonus is my husband works right around the corner from our Aldi, so it’s not even an extra trip for him!


Ohhh I should do a pickup or delivery order. We are sick and haven’t restocked easy sick foods. So uber eats rescued lunch and my mum said she will drop food tomorrow. I offered plain rice as what I could make for lunch


A little more than halfway through the month and we have spent less than half of the budget. Having a $200 credit for Costco helped, but we won’t be going to Costco again this month so if non-costco spending stays on track, I think we will be more than $200 under budget for the month!