Get it Done December

All right, cleared out a few more things, the main thing left being

  • Make electrical bill payments with cards given 10% rewards (can prepay a couple months and stack)

Here to report that I got the price match, so we should be paying $40 less a month, plus we got a $100 credit. Hopefully the new service doesn’t suck for conference calls, as it’s a 2 year contract. I have put a note in my calendar for 2025 that I can renegotiate the bill again.

My Dad printed out copies of the books to give to all the kids and grandkids for Christmas, so it was too late to provide commentary, which was just as well, as I couldn’t figure out how to say my opinion in a helpful way.

I have a present to return at the mall, so I’ll bring the textile recycling then, though not today because it’s too rainy.


[quote=“a_hardie, post:54, topic:5853, full:true”]

  • :mailbox_with_mail:Send holiday cards (already ordered, now need to write on them and mail them) :white_check_mark: done
  • :birthday:Plan baby’s birthday party (in January) and invite people :white_check_mark:
  • :stethoscope:Find a doctor for self and spouse and make an appointment for each of us :white_check_mark: (spouse would rather do this himself so he’s on his own, but I did mine)
  • :bank:Call bank about boring thing I don’t wanna do :white_check_mark: done
  • :package:Clear out pile of stuff that I have earmarked for donation/Buy Nothing
    [/quote] :white_check_mark:

Still need doing… these were apparently the ambitious things:

  • :iphone: Clear out photos on phone from the past 9 months to only the necessary ones to keep (March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December)
  • :framed_picture:Print the best of those photos for albums
  • :card_file_box:File or recycle pile of papers on desk
  • :baby:Put out feelers for extra childcare help (babysitters besides my own parents)

Success!!! All done



  • get 23 in 2023 badges assigned - 20m
  • get 23 in 2023 stickers mailed out - 2h
  • make 24 in 2024 challenges - 20 min
  • Badges - 20 m
  • stickers - 3 hrs
    - film + edit one edited video - 5hrs NO
  • Make snackuary - 20m
  • annual report started
  • order new contacts


  • update billing credit card for (1) mint (2) linode - 20m
  • send out 2023 Purrsonal Finance Society stickers - 2h
  • credit workshop slides - 50m
  • book sample - 2hr
  • write blog post for Budgetlympics - 4hr
  • Budgetlympics live stream - 3hr
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Everything is clean and tidy for Hogmany which means I’m keeping up the Scottish tradition of having the house ready for the new year. Admittedly I didn’t know this was a tradtion until I read about it on somebody’s instagram today!


Dependent Care FSA refunded me! Now to actually write the check for the in-laws. Whew. That’s a huge relief.


At the end of December, I have 2 tasks that I’m pushing to the next few weeks:

  • big data backup (cloud + phone + external drives)
    • I just never got around to finishing this, but I’ve written it down to tackle next week. Maybe that new 2024 planner energy will motivate me? haha
  • add beneficiaries to 401k account
    • The website is a bit glitchy, but it turns out I should be able to just fill in a form online. I need to get SSNs though, so that’s getting pushed to the next time I see certain family members in-person.

I got the most important stuff done this month & I have a game plan for the rest, so I’m counting that as a win! Happy new year everyone :tada:

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Everything is done EXCEPT the one about finding babysitters. It’s hard not having people in my age group/life situation I see regularly to ask about things like that. But that was and always will be an ongoing project, so I’m calling this December DONE! Happy New Year all!


[secret boring project] - I should get this done in the next few days but I haven’t even started yet. Don’t wanna. - This will probably be after Kiddo goes back to school so I can concentrate for a couple hours at a time.
Fix Roomba
Clean my desk. Figure out how to keep it from becoming a dumping zone. - I have some ideas but need to clear off a different area so I can repurpose the paper holders there.

Call around for septic estimates
Need to cancel dental insurance
Finish putting up Christmas decorations
Pay C, G, and maybe O bills
Ask tax dude about thing
Health insurance
Kohls return
Book LL
Start 401k roll over process
Get photo editing done (myself? pay someone else?)


I need to take another photo of progress for myself, i made huge progress but still not finished :cry: still need to take apart now-empty wardrobe and list on buy nothing or for sale and take empty cans/bottles for refund (this is mainly what makes it look so messy!) All in all, made big progress from the junk heap that it was previously but I definitely bit off more than I could chew for one month!


Everything is done that could be done! I did give myself a pass on this one because some stuff happened and they had to reschedule to 2024.

Today I gave a bag of Marmalade’s clothes to a guy in the “Buy Nothing No Rules” city-wide group, and passed on a skirt and pair of pants to a friend who met us for a concert. Pretty awesome to finish the bulk of my closet purging the last day of 2023 :slight_smile:


I’m pretty happy that most burning items are done, and I have at least started others. Paint can and other paint stuff moved to the basement! Printed pictures under review! The day is also not over.


Ok, not bad. Not everything but not bad.

Need to prioritize the flu shot though …


It’s January 1 and I still have stuff on my list but instead of doing it I have been cleaning the house for 5 hours so that’s reasonable


Tomorrow! We pay the in-laws tomorrow.


Basically everything done except booking April/May travel, which wasn’t actually critical although I do need to get it done early this month.

And re-re-re-fixing that damn coffee table…if the storage wasn’t about perfect I’d get rid of it, but at this point I’m going to put wood glue at every joint and then bungee it until it holds.

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Final check in. I did not list any additional things, but did get more pictures & transferred to computer for easier listing (which is a PITA). The PITA factor of all of these things is pretty high, which is why they are the lingering things. I’m happy with the progress spurred by this thread and will continue to work on the listings in 2024.


I got about half of my list done, better than i expected.

1 table gone
Hba sorted
Subscriptions evaluated and dealt with
Waiting to hear back about treadmill and coins


Oh and started class, have gone through half the holiday decorations and week 2 of better sleep schedule.

So much better than I expected!