Flowers! 🌺 🌷 🌸 🌹

What types of flowers? Some perennials require a period of cold to germinate,

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They are mostly annual snapdragons and some foliage. I will just start more and see if they do anything.

Good luck! I’m with Madge too that germination can be iffy, especially on any seeds I self-harvest.

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My yard has lady slippers! They are not yet in full bloom but I’m so excited!


Why are some of my leaves like this? They are obviously right next to nice healthy ones on the same plant so I’m not sure why some would be crispy. I’m hoping the healthy ones don’t turn crispy! There are a few more in the middle of other trays, so I don’t really think it’s that these specific seedlings didn’t get enough of or got too much of something by being on the edge. But I just don’t know much.

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That looks like the first leaves just dying off. Those first leaves are just there to get the plant going and die off. Once the mature leaves start growing they die off. It should be ok!


Thanks! I don’t remember that happening last year.

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My first lilacs! I just planted the bushes last fall.


If anyone wants seeds Eden Brothers has free shipping today with FREESHIP61. They also have Dahlias at 50% off for end of season, so if you specifically want Dahlias and combine the sale and the code it’s a good deal. I controlled myself and only got 2 Dahlias that I have been wanting. Cooler weather zones are still shipping Dahlias. I am 6A and it said I am shipping now, not waiting for next spring.

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ooh good lookin out!!

renee’s seeds is having a 50% of seeds sale and i restrained myself because i only have like 45 square feet of space to plant in but maybe some
of y’all have more room :relaxed:

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How close do you plant seedlings for things like zinnias that get a bit big? I might be putting them too close…

i read on floret’s blog i think? that they do 9" for most cut flowers so thats what im doing. dahlias, i gave 12".

Thanks. That’s about what I did, just wasn’t sure if it was too close. I’m planting some seedlings and seeing that some stuff is just super tiny and I’m sad that I won’t have the variety I hoped for. I can’t imagine that planting something an inch tall will do much. I might plant more seeds and see what happens.

Lovely peonies!


first baby sweetpeas from the community garden patch. the smell is incredible :smiling_face_with_tear:


Those bloomed fast!

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they did! i started them at the old house at the beginning of march but didnt get them into the ground till about 4 weeks ago. i hope they get bigger and taller and give more blooms cause i am in love with them. next year hopefully i wont be moving at the time they want to be planted out (ideally early/mid-april) and i can have waaaaay more.


Oh wow, they’re gorgeous! :heart_eyes:

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After flower seedlings are planted in the ground, when should there be some visible growth? I planted some about 10 days ago that were quite small hoping that they would do better in the ground. I might have over watered them when they were growing in the containers but I’m still new to annuals so I’m just not sure. They aren’t doing much yet but maybe 8-10 days is a bit too soon to expect much growth? Should I just start new seeds or is it getting too late for that?