Emoji Movies Game

My friend posted this. I am very bad at these, but maybe youโ€™re all better at them. It does seem fun though :blush:

  1. :coffee: :gem::gem::gem:
  2. :no_bell: :sheep: :sheep: :sheep:
  3. :boy: :girl: :closed_umbrella: :handbag: :uk:
  4. :man::speech_balloon::horse:
  5. :policeman: :postbox::older_man::memo:
  6. :tomato: :tomato: :eight_spoked_asterisk: :fried_egg:
  7. :thought_balloon::memo::kimono:
  8. :man::man: :tent: :mount_fuji:
  9. :policeman: :oncoming_automobile: :older_woman: :blossom:
  10. :mag_right::tropical_fish:
  11. :couplekiss_man_woman: :o: :snowflake:
  12. :bird::bird::bird::bird::page_facing_up:
  13. :alien::point_up::telephone_receiver::house:
  14. :gun::mag::man::tophat:
  15. :sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunflower::sunglasses:
  16. :eight_spoked_asterisk: :japanese_ogre: :smiley_cat: :horse:
  17. :man_with_turban: :tv: :dollar: :dollar:
  18. :hamburger: :fries: :man: :ambulance:
  19. :mouse: :red_car:
  20. :moneybag: :running_man::dash:
  21. :mortar_board: :lips:
  22. :art: :moneybag:
  23. :movie_camera: :running_man: :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:
  24. :clock2: :clock3: :clock4: :clock5:
  25. :palm_tree: :monkey: :man:
  26. :older_man: :ring::ring:
  27. :eyes: :tongue: :ear: :raised_hand: :nose: 6โƒฃ
  28. :balloon::house_with_garden: :older_man: :boy:
  29. :envelope_with_arrow: :couple_with_heart_woman_man:
  30. :notes: :fr: :weary: :joy:
  31. :couple: :gun: :gun:
  32. :bear: :heart: :beers: ยป :smoking:
  33. :bath::hocho:
  34. :alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar::alarm_clock::calendar:
  35. :walking_man::running_man::airplane:
  36. :smiling_imp::dress::high_heel:
  37. :older_man::older_woman::heart:
  38. :boy: :open_hands: :scissors: :scissors:
  39. :last_quarter_moon: :couple_with_heart_woman_man: :wolf:
  40. :smile::smile::cry::cry:
  41. :ring::ring::ring::ring::skull:
  42. :ghost: :ghost: :gun:
  43. :unlock::eyes:
  44. :uk::point_up_2::sunrise_over_mountains::point_down::mount_fuji:
  45. :relieved: :angry: :japanese_goblin:
  46. :ocean: :point_left:
  47. :computer: :pill:
  48. :dancer::wolf::wolf:
  49. :cloud::cloud::cloud::monkey_face::monkey_face::cloud::cloud::cloud:
  50. :bike: :bike: :sunny:
  51. :mailbox_with_mail: :door::boom: :fist::fist:
  52. :athletic_shoe::mans_shoe::sandal::high_heel::boot:
  53. :unlock::dolphin:
  54. :poop::dancer:
  55. :bird: :gun:
  56. :fallen_leaf::maple_leaf::statue_of_liberty:
  57. :point_down::man_with_turban:
  58. :walking_man::cloud::cloud::cloud:
  59. :boy: :bread: :wine_glass:

\10. Finding Nemo
\33. Psycho
\41. Four Weddings and A Funeral
\42. Ghostbusters
\48. Dances with Wolves
\53. Free Willy

Thatโ€™s all Iโ€™ve got :joy:

\2. Silence of the Lambs
\3. Mary Poppins?
\4. Horse Whisperer?
\6. Fried Green Tomatoes
\8. Brokeback Mountain?
\9. Driving Miss Daisy
\10. ET
\15. Uhhh Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?
\17. Slumdog Millionaire
\18. Supersize Me
\19. Stuart Little
\20. Catch Me if You Can?
\21. The Graduate

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  1. Dirty Dancing?
  2. Sixth sense?
  3. Edward scissorhands?


34.Groundhog Day?

\29. Youโ€™ve Got Mail
\30. Les Misรฉrables
\36. Devil in a Blue Dress
\39. Twilight New Moon?
\46. Point Break?
\47. Matrix?
\52. Kinky Boots

  1. Sherlock Holmes?

Most one the ones I got have been mentioned already. I think I only have two to add:
28. UP
31. Mr and Mrs Smith

MJ, I agree with you on 3, 8, 15, and 47. I donโ€™t know your other ? ones. Gdogg, I think all of yours are right, though something happened with your numbering. Should be 54, 27, 38.

ETA: had to check this one was made into a movie:
24. Waiting for Godot

I came up with one:
60. :drop_of_blood::gem:

  1. Blood Diamond
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  1. In Time OR Groundhog Day

How about:

:green_salad: :pray: :heart:

Eat Pray Love

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Iโ€™m really bad at this, but itโ€™s fun to watch you guys figure them out. :slight_smile:

  1. To kill a Mockingbird?
  1. Dancing with wolves
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