Do you have anxiety Spending in the Crisis?

Fun fact:


I’m sure airfare is on sale!

It’s actually the opposite. Freight has gone up 150% since there’s no commercial flights anymore to put freight into the bottom of…


I find it very funny how many times the history of mailing children has come up on this forum.


That’s a good point, I might buy some nice underwear :slight_smile: I was looking at the pj’s but didn’t really like any they had there, unless people are panic buying all the cosy pj’s for WFH!


I mean I love my kid lots but sometimes I do wish I could put him in the mail. I can even geotag him now, what could go wrong?!

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I have definitely been anxiety spending. Not a ton but I certainly didn’t need those two funko pops I bought (RBG and Betty White) or the Avo-cat-o shirt. I’ve also bought some things I was putting off, like supplies for a DIY project.

The worst instance actually happened this morning. I went to Target to buy some disinfecting wipes. There were none. I came home with a bowl, a lamp, and a CO2 tank for my sodastream.

These “indiscretions” haven’t really impacted my overall spending. It’s basically redirection.

My grocery spending has been higher because I’ve been buying more nonperishable items but I have enough to get through a month(ish) now and don’t really plan to go out for anything, but maybe once a week for fresh produce, so spending for April will likely be down quite a lot.

My income isn’t in immediate danger but I’m definitely redirecting travel and some other discretionary funds into my emergency fund for now.


Has it been me every time? It probably has been, because I CANNOT LET IT GO.

It’s so crazy, and it really tickles my absurdity button.


I sort of? Anxiety spent last night? Mostly I just got irrationally angry at how much I hated the silverware options at Target.

A set of silverware is one thing that I don’t have for the new apartment, along with queen size sheets (which are so expensive!). Basically all the small spoons and forks weren’t small enough and I didn’t like any of the designs which is silly because nothing is going to be perfect and I just need eating utensils.

I also bought a detachable showerhead which I don’t need but I’ve been living without one for the past year and I really really wanted it.


I think I have anxiety food hoarding instead. It’s mostly manifesting itself in gardening and locating/cleaning my dehydrator. Oh, and buying sugar and failing to buy flour since there seems to be none in the state. Now planning to stretch my wheat flour with homemade oat flour since there’s no shortage of oatmeal.

ETA there are some new canning jars and many new canning lids in my shopping cart.


I’ve been taking the spent grain from brewing beer, drying and grinding it, and using it in breads that are good for multigrain recipes. I’ve still got ~400 pounds of barley in the basement. I’ve always had a thing for buying in bulk.


Good for you. This morning Walmart is showing as out of oatmeal. I may be grinding up the ~40 pounds of deer corn we still have, though I’m planting some for bean vine supports (we don’t have enough open land to grow corn in mass).


Here is my anxiety purchase from an Instagram vintage store. Where I sent them money without any return or refund policy. A standing desk delivered to my porch for under $250 CAD.

The wood needs some TLC if I feel like a project later.

ETA: why don’t more places sell small standing desks for in-home use?


I think the more common small space solution are the units that either sit on or more securely attach to a table or desk and allow people to easily move between sitting and standing by raising the thing. My wife bought those for her entire team.

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That is gorgeous and worth the $$


I said a lot of impressed swear words that this was o my 250, and if I needed furniture I’d be asking the vendor name


That is the only standing desk I have ever seen that I went “yea, that actually looks good”


I just bought rings on Etsy. Maybe not anxiety spending but definitely emotion driven and not something I’d normally do impulsively.


I like these in theory, but my experience with two different models has just been awful. Do you know what model your wife bought?

What a lovely piece! I’m very green with envy over here.

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