Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

I recently gave a variety of probably 10 specialty baking pans away because I decided I’m never going to use them. It’s a good feeling to give them to someone younger with more years ahead to bake. And more importantly, the interest in doing it that I no longer have.

My house has plenty of storage and is organized but if I’m not using something it needs to leave.


When the quick 20 minute job to swap out a TV becomes a full day decluttering exercise.

The new TV was bigger so didn’t work on top of the 6 drawer chest, I had the bright idea to swap with one of the matching four drawers from our bedroom. Win/win as DH gets more drawer space in the bedroom and the TV fits.
Units to heavy to move without removing the drawers and so begins a complete decluttering of 10 drawers (including the two dreaded ‘we used to work in IT’ cable drawers!)


I have another declutter pick up happening today

So much crap gone.


That worked out well. A couple years ago I bought a pack of ramekins. We only use 6 of them and it came with 12. The other 6 have been sitting, wrapped up, in a cupboard. Last night my mom was over and was like “I need to buy ramekins” and I was like hey hey hey :joy: now I have more “pantry” space and she didn’t have to buy anything!


I took a box of books to the dump today. Made myself keep digging through the books till I had filled/overfilled the box.

I did bring home 2 however to look at: one about gardening/cooking, and the other about a psych topic I’m interested in. If neither of them are “keepers,” they’ll go back to the dump tomorrow or next Weds.

It’s cold here and I’m not sure what DH has planned for the weekend, maybe just snugging down and dabbling on the house projects? One of them, my Christmas present, he needs pieces he forgot to get first.

Our light switches in the house have been 1/2 converted from the old lever type to rockers for our dotage. It drives me crazy that the project has sat, unfinished, for so long. Soo, diabolical person that I am? I asked him to finish the light switch conversion, for my Christmas present. Makes it something he can’t put off, ignore, decide something else is more important, etc. And it will get done. Wish I’d thought of the. idea of doing that years ago! :open_mouth: :christmas_tree:


It took my DH 7 years to finish swapping over our light switches. Good idea of making it a present idea!


Now I’m at the “everything is out and needs to be sorted” stage. I did even pull out the table and vacuum/wipe the floors and baseboards in that area, though.

I learned that I need to get bins for this cabin or else stuff will just pile up, never to be touched again. I did find a stack of Kiddo art from his day care days though.


Bins are the way :clap:t2:


OK so I added to these as I found other areas that needed dedicated focus, but this list is looking pretty damn good! Having it on the wall and adding the extra areas (usually after I’ve done them and then ticked of immediately) provides a lot of motivation for the areas I havent done yet.


I love adding things to immediately check off

I am working on photos on the camera’s memory card, found this from Apr 2023


Cool! Looks like a Klingon War Bird or Vulcan whatever ship.


Another box of beads is ready to ship. DH has something to ship as well. If I get my act together I also have some cards I can drop in the mail – which means they won’t be here!

I started a new bag of clothing donations and realized I have like 6 long sleeved white T shirts. One of them is a sleep shirt, so, 5. Why?


… Is that too many of a particular type of shirt?

Hurriedly closes closet door


Post redone as a direct reply by poster. Sorry, it’s below.

Well, I tried to do that, but it wouldn’t let me.

Okay, here’s what I replied…!
It is… for me… but maybe not for you?

I don’t tend to wear white much, because I’m fairly sloppy (read unaware) and hard on my clothes accordingly.

So, white is worn as an accent, when I’m doing “fawncy” or some such. Long sleeve white Ts are worn to sleep in and as accent pieces but the sleeves soon look gray, etc. so it’s usually UNDER something else, and I don’t have that much that looks good with these, so they’d be worn on top of a turtleneck or other shirt. And I just don’t need that many!


threw away 3 cookie tins, 2 clear bags for flying with toiletries. discovered I still had a taper candlestick holder from our wedding. It’s a bit damaged from being in a plastic tub, but at least now I can burn those tapers that have been in the pantry cupboard for so long that the beeswax has stained the shelf.

cookie tins are hard, because it’s been part of my identity since I was a kid that I am a baker. But I don’t have a workplace to bring baked goods to any more, and it isn’t good for me to have that type of stuff in the house.


We’ll see if I axe anything putting stuff back. Had to totally empty these cabinets (this is our “pantry” on one side, some craft a bday and holiday supplies on the other, then decor/sentimental up top and a few hosting dishes). Repairs to this wall start today and then they’ll repaint the whole thing. (This was one of the walls they had to cut open to dehumidify after our plumbing fiasco).

This style of decluttering is called a “moving party” lol. At the very least I should seize the opportunity to reorganize the food side since it was getting a touch haphazard.


Glad its getting fixed!

Tossing up going through a giant floor pile (includes a lot of kid art which is a Big Deal to chuck in bin/recycling), or the drop-zone shelves. We would do a “moving party” on the drop zone and now I’m wondering if we need party hats :partying_face::rofl: its a great name!


One diffuser decluttered. One left


BN pickup of some decluttered makeup today. Trying to rid myself of dusty aspirational purchases. I hate dusting!