Decluttering discussion thread: share your wins, ask for advice, inspire each other!

Update (see December challenge for full list)

All cardboard has died!! :package:
Kitchen is half-zapped :zap:
More stuff has been put in the skip (and I am slowly getting used to letting go) :wastebasket:
Path through garage 1/4 there :house_with_garden:

Progress!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Nice!! Good luck with the paperwork purge also… :slight_smile:


Wooh! Goodbye cardboard, hello comfy house!


Posted old work pants (outdoor work, not office work) and snow pants on Buy Nothing.

About to pay for 10kg of clothes to be picked up and sorted/ recycled.


Yesterday was my scheduled diabetes declutter pickup where I sent off three bags of ‘stuff’

Monday was garbage day, we have a four bag limit and I made full use of my full limit this week (usually we have 1, maybe 2 garbage bags, neither completely full).

I sold a guinea pig cage that arrived with a foster pig a few years ago. That’s the third or fourth extra gp cage I’ve sold, I think I’m down to just my own plus one for fosters now.


Trying to get rid of a crib mattress and so far, no takers.

Maybe if I list it for $20 instead of free someone will come in wanting to pay $5.


I mean, you aren’t supposed to reuse between babies according to official guidelines, so i can see why. I hope the $20 price works! :crossed_fingers:


Really, you aren’t? I used it for both my babies. I had never heard that.

That said, we have an area where people take expired car seats because they can’t afford new ones, so I assumed someone would want one.


I think the US recommendation is between sibs is fine, households is not.



Well, the list for $20 plan worked. Someone wants it for $10 and it getting it later tonight.

I read a few things about mattresses, and they talked a lot about clean, no bed bugs, no sagging, still firm on the edges, so I feel comfortable passing it on. Though that is obviously for that person to decide if they are comfortable taking it. (For all I know, they want it for a large dog!)


Also we use one of our cot mattresses for the kids as a tumble mat/ kids to jump on. They have so many uses when still good.


Woo woo! Glad the tactic work- so annoying but so true making stuff cost about works so well.


I kept ours tucked under the parents bed for years as a trundle - when the kids came to snuggle in the middle of the night I would slide the mattress out for them so they could be nearby.


Anyone have a desire for a fancy Yeti microphone? I won one from a twitch streamer raffle that I was only half paying attention to and have no need for it. Wouldn’t have entered if I was paying more attention to what the raffle was for. Happy to provide more details from the box if someone’s interested. Looking for postage paid only, since it was free to me. I’m in the US. Let me know, thanks.


Hi FuzBubbles - I’d be happy to receive it. I’ve got some footage of hikes I’ve done that I wanted to turn into videos, and it’d be cool to have a decent mic for the voiceovers. :^)

Also happy to pass if anyone else has better uses for it.


I have now listed practically everything you need to set up a nursery on my BN equivalent. Why doesn’t anyone want it?!


Help me decide.
I have large pots of fiber reactive dyes. Probably 6-7 oz of yellow, 4-5 of magenta and blue.

I haven’t used them in years.

But I do tie dye at least once a year.

Do I get rid of these knowing I’m just going to go buy a tie dye kit every year because it’s easier than tracking down soda ash; or do I keep them and next time I want to tie dye force myself to use these?

Now, the other wrinkle is that these are at least 8 years old. Which means they are going to be less vibrant than new; but I did a test, and they absolutely still work.

Someone help. Keep or buy nothing project them?


I always vote simplify :woman_shrugging: I would get rid of them for sure and just buy kits.

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If you do tie dye just once a year, I would definitely do a kit once a year and pass these on to someone who will likely use them up quicker.

If they take up a shoebox or less worth of space, I would consider keeping them… Unless you would rather have that space for your puzzles and other art.


Decided to keep the tie dye, for now.

Things being picked up by Buy Nothing Project people today.

  1. Kids Dance Costume

  2. Backpack purse from Fab Fit Fun

  3. 15 Hangers

  4. Quilt squares for a twin size quilt.

  5. Grocery bag’s worth of velour fabric I got on buy nothing project