Puglet was in cloth diapers from 1 month to about 10 months when he developed a rash that went away with disposables. We have been off the cloth diapers for about a week and a half. I am hoping to get back to them and just make sure we stay on top of changing him more regularly. Aside from this random rash we have really liked cloth diapering. We use the bumgenius 5.0 and we have a few all in ones. I prefer the 5.0 with the inserts, I feel like they fit better.
Another plus to cloth diapering: As long as I have water and some detergent, I’m not worried about this aspect of a quarantine. I’ve got all the poo catchers I need and I don’t have to fight people at the store!
Haha I said that to someone the other day when they mentioned the craziness. I’ve already got cloth wipes that have had all manner of things on them so running out of TP will be no worries
I am so happy for my cloth diapers. So far I’ve been doing disposable at night. I have to decide if I buy another package or not. If the store has them. Yesterday’s store did not have the right size. So maybe I lean in hard to cloth at night…
Who has really good folds to get a doubled up layer on a newborn
I don’t use folds so I can’t help with those, but we were gifted some extra hemp/bamboo inserts and we throw those into her AIOs at night to add another layer of absorbency and have gotten a ton of use out of them. They’re also great for long trips. We have 12 I think and that’s more than enough.
Due in March, should I treat myself to some newborn cloth nappies? Last baby we didn’t start until 3+ months, but this time I am thinking we might buy a dryer which would make newborn nappies reasonable.
We have been using Terry cloth nappies the last 8 weeks as I didn’t have any newborn mcns. They’ve been working really well. We were also loaned some bambooty newborn sizes which seem to be variable sizes despite all being newborn? Some fit her better than others but the smaller ones are really nice.
This is why I need to go through my stash first. I have some prefolds of varying sizes but I’m not sure I have covers small enough for a newborn. Awesome that you’re doing Terry cloth! (I still remember the ones mum used on us, they make amazing rags afterwards!)
Wait, what’s a prefold? I’ll have to do some googling on the differences… we’ve got covers and inserts for when she’s a bit bigger but using the Terry cloths now. They dry so quickly which was really handy for winter! What are your favourite brands?
I did a newborn rental of 30 diapers in NB sizes and then got ½ my rental fee back when I returned them after 3 months to buy bigger sizes. It was great. Next time I will do the same or buy some used NB sizes. Bobbin definitely needed the small size but maybe if she had been born at 40 may not have so it’s kinda a crapshoot
Ah this is a great idea, I didn’t even think of renting! Looks like there’s places that will do it here.
Especially around teeny tiny newborn butts! I really liked the prefolds until Duckling started nicking off during nappy changes and got strong enough that pinning him down was harder - that was when I bought a bunch of All-in-twos.
I will have to check what we got for the prefolds, but the covers we got were velcro “baby beehinds” and once we moved to AI2, I went for the “BabyBare” teddies which are side-snap and don’t have the row of snaps at the front. Apparently they fit from 4kg, and Duckling reached that by ~3 weeks so maybe I can get away without newborns? Hmm.
We are starting cloth with the new baby tomorrow I think. I’m going to try and use the AI2 covers we have on newborn settings but we also have prefolds and newborn velcro covers that worked fine with Pikelet.
They are secondhand real nappies covers, the second hard nappy market terrifies me now though, everything seems so much more expensive than a few years ago and the risk of them not being in good condition seems high. Maybe less of a problem with newborn nappies because they aren’t used for as long?