Chronic Illness/Disability + Money

Any estimate on how many hours you spend arguing with them over this? Can you get a rough estimation of what that works out in hourly rate?

(Anything else you can do that is less frustrating to lower your taxes by $1K? :joy:)

These are all extremely reasonable questions. :joy:

If I was looking at this with my freelancer hat on, I’d say, well, I bill in minimum increments of a half-hour, so…even if it’s not a “lot” of time it will add up over the course of the year, since it’s so many little tasks. Last year, for example, I had to make a bunch of phone calls to resolve a large transaction that got denied because of a 2-dollar difference between my receipt and my bill…

Mostly I’m just grumpy because this is something that’s supposed to be helpful and instead it’s just another thing to run a cost-benefit analysis on. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Maybe I’ll still do the FSA and just put less effort into contesting my claims.


Maybe you can put a little sticker up on the wall where you call/argue with them to remind you that you’re getting paid like $100 an hour to argue with them.


I like this idea.