Challenge: Get it Done December ✅

did this one


Well, I kind of have an easy month this month. I do have a few things I’d like to finish up though.

  • A quilt I started decades ago at 17 years old. My oldest work in progress. Mostly Hand pieced and hand quilted. Need I say more?
  • review and signing of wills and power of attorneys.
  • a decent haircut in a new style.
  • mail Christmas cards and, possibly, one package.
  • host a cookie exchange.
  • baking for said cookie exchange. Most of it is already done and in the freezer. But I have my signature Danish butter cookies to make yet.
  • sort through old journals and burn the not so good ones…IE. most of them!
  • finish purchasing and sending Christmas gifts. We often do e-gift cards for extended family. My family is large and spread across Canada from coast to coast. I limit gifts to those who want to exchange or have gone out of their way to make our life easier since our move. Otherwise I’d go broke over Christmas.

That’s it…for now.


  • the quilt just needs the final 3-4” quilted to the edge on two sides and it’s done. It’s taking me about 1 - 2 hours per side. The thing that stops me is my back gets to hurting, or I can’t see to thread the needles. I’m hand quilting.
  • :white_check_mark: Wills and Powers of Attorney were signed and paid for today. DONE!
  • :white_check_mark: I talked with the hairdresser and, we decided, all things considered, to keep it shoulder length or longer. This is great. It means fewer trips to the stylist, meaning money saved. It also means it’s long enough I don’t need the dreaded hairbands (which are very hard to find here I might add) anymore. I can tuck it behind my ears until it gets long enough for a ponytail or other hair catching device.
  • :white_check_mark: I mailed all the Christmas cards and the one parcel. It’s already been joyfully received.
  • host a cookie exchange. That’s happening Friday.
  • :white_check_mark: baking for cookie exchange is DONE!
  • sort through old journals to burn them. I had a talk with hubby and my sister. My sister has a place on her acreage to burn stuff, so I was going to do some there. But I’m badly allergic to all kinds of smoke. Hubby was concerned and suggested I shred them instead. I thought that a good idea. I can leave them until after New Year’s to deal with now.
  • still working on Christmas gifts. We have one to deliver tomorrow, and four e-gift cards to get.

It turned out to be a blessing that my Chewy order had out of stock stuff. AA’s website says you can earn miles via their shopping portal and Petco was an option so I ordered from there. Will need to double check that this resulted in my miles no longer expiring this summer.

You guys, I REALLY need some accountability around cancelling the gym membership. That’s 30 bucks a month I am flushing down the toilet - and I think I have to give 30 days notice so that means I still have to pay for January. I just hate calling and speaking to a very nice small business person to tell them I am no longer going to pay them. But it HAS to be done, I never use this, I have other online classes that I like better that I am also paying for now (as I go, no membership for those).

Oh, and I want to add:

  • go through stash of meds and take stuff that’s expired or that I’m now unable to take to the disposal bin at the farther-away Walgreens.

Tell them you are cancelling (if they ask) because you are moving. Which is the truth, so you don’t need to feel bad. It’s just a little bit early. :wink:


Also as someone who worked at a local gym and cancelled memberships all the time, I promise it’s more routine to them than it is to you. Think of all the months you’ve been supporting their business without taking advantage of it!


It’s a virtual membership though. Online classes only.


Doesn’t matter, lifestyle change with moving, etc


Agree with @anomalily though.

Also, it isn’t your responsibility to keep them afloat.


That’s why I haven’t cancelled up until now. I like them and want them to succeed and it SUCKS that it is still not feeling safe to me to go because the space is so tiny. Their online classes are meh.


You can do it. I promise it’s WAY bigger to you than to them. And they have a physical location, so moving is an excuse.


Have you cancelled yet?


No, I have been chained to my goddamned headset for the past 3 goddamned hours in back to back meetings! :worried:


FFS, just called and they don’t take cancellation requests over the phone. You’re supposed to come in (NOPE), or you can also submit in writing via their contact form on their site - so I’m doing the latter.

That’s dumb. Form submitted. I had to talk to a PERSON and I didn’t need to! Sigh.


Places that don’t have their cancellation process clearly written out and accessible on their website suck.


Any guilt you were feeling over cancelling your membership to this place? <poof!> GONE!


Ha, right? No, I will NOT be going INSIDE your sweaty enclosed small space where people with dicknose are huffing and puffing!

This must be new. Last year when I had to pause my membership when covid started, I could do that over the phone. I also extended the pause at least once since covid wasn’t going away. Also by phone. Hm. Well, y’know, the pandemic’s over, so. :stuck_out_tongue:


Resume- done!
LinkedIn- started.
Copay card- started multiple times only to be foiled by a cancel button where I always expect the submit to be. Much frustration
Volunteer opportunities- due to covid no volunteers being taken
Website- uhhhhhhhhhh. Not started


Well, I kind of have an easy month this month. I do have a few things I’d like to finish up though.

  • :white_check_mark: A quilt I started decades ago at 17 years old. My oldest work in progress. Mostly Hand pieced and hand quilted. Need I say more?
  • :white_check_mark: review and signing of wills and power of attorneys.
  • :white_check_mark: a decent haircut in a new style.
  • :white_check_mark: mail Christmas cards and, possibly, one package.
  • :white_check_mark: host a cookie exchange.
  • :white_check_mark: baking for said cookie exchange. Most of it is already done and in the freezer. But I have my signature Danish butter cookies to make yet.
  • :negative_squared_cross_mark: sort through old journals and burn the not so good ones…IE. most of them! Putting off shredding them until the new year.
  • :white_check_mark: finish purchasing and sending Christmas gifts. We often do e-gift cards for extended family. My family is large and spread across Canada from coast to coast. I limit gifts to those who want to exchange or have gone out of their way to make our life easier since our move. Otherwise I’d go broke over Christmas.

That’s it…for now.

All done my December goals…other than to celebrate Christmas. Will check in again in the new year. Have a good one everyone! :heart:


WOOHOO, got written confirmation of gym cancellation today.
They require 30 days notice though, which I knew. So I still have to pay for January - that’s on me for procrastinating this so long.

But it is DONE.

