Budget-Friendly Design

it looks so cozy and comfy! i love that outdoor rug and all the planties and punkins.

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Ahhh thanks everyone! I was super nervous and I rearranged it like 5 times, lol. I hope I can keep these plants alive. :crossed_fingers: And those are flameless candles! I ordered them years ago and thought they’d be more real looking. Then they ended up on a shelf just to fill up space but I never liked them indoors (dh loves them, lol, so I was stuck). But I really like them outside!

There is nothing cute on the other side of the deck. Ideas? I want to keep as much off the ground as possible because I like to do yoga out there, but maybe…something? IDK. I can post a pic if that helps.


Very slowly, but it’s still progress.

And i finally made a wire hanger for the wave instead of having it on kitchen string (which looked very out of place, it might have been reasonable with twine, but I never tried it properly)

ETA: moved the metal lichen piece a titch further over to the right