These are some excellent bird photos!
night herons! these guys loved to flock on the quad at my university and make creepy sounds in the middle of the night
I used to see Scarlet Tanagers when I was a kid but haven’t in a very long time now. Beautiful.
I was lucky that a fellow birder let us know that the bright red wasn’t a cardinal - it was high enough up that we couldn’t easily tell. I took two dozen shots to get that single one.
and two more that the camera did its best, and I’m sure a photoshop wizard could get something useable from, but I love in their rawness.
Loving all the shots you share here.
Thanks. I enjoy taking the photos, but knowing that I have a place to share them and people enjoy them is certainly a motivator to attempt more challenging shots.
takes note of the swoop, swoons
I enjoy seeing all these birds i don’t know!
I love zebra finches and it’s so good to see them in a more naturalistic habitat. I had pet zebra finches for a while but stopped after my last bird passed because they’re such active, curious birds that I couldn’t bear keeping them in a cage.
Waxwing, catbird, gadwell
ETA: I feel like the waxwing is very bandit, and the catbird is fashion. Gadwell is quiet luxury.