Baby gear: What do you really need?

Oh, I also have stroller opinions!

If you live in an urban Walkable area, I do think strollers are important for at least a year or two. I wanted something with a bassinet attachment but then my baby had severe reflux and hated lying flat. We inherited my friend’s uppababby Cruz and it was amazing for the urban life for a while. The big basket underneath with lots of clearance and the ability to switch baby front facing or back facing being the things I loved most. I could fit two full bags of groceries and a diaper bag, or three bags of groceries and carry the diaper bag home on my back.

We stopped using the stroller around 2.5. She either walks with us and I bring the Boba Air carrier in my purse for when she’s tired (she can make it about a mile) or we bring a wagon stroller if we need to carry a bunch of stuff.

I hugely recommend the Boba Air! It’s so lightweight! It’s for babies 4 months and up to.45 lbs so we still use it weekly.

If I was doing it again, I would get the Nesting Days men’s carrier for months 0-4 (up to 18 lbs) and the Bob Air for after that (14-45 lbs)


Yes, that sounds like a special use case where the stroller would matter a lot! We don’t routinely do shopping with the stroller, just park walks. I did once do 4 miles round trip with the stroller frame/car seat combo but that was a one-off.

I have a super old Action Baby Carrier but am considering a Boba now that baby is taller- she doesn’t seem as secure (it’s a lower carrier). She’s 20 months and we still do carrier walks sometimes and want to do some hikes over the summer.


I love the Boba for hiking and we use it instead of the fancy hiking backpack we have. Pipsqueak is average height but with a very long torso so I’d expect a tall baby would get similarly long use from it.


I completely forgot that I did this with a scarf before B1! So maybe I won’t throw out my boba wrap yet


I feel the same about strollers (& cargo bikes). I think it depends on your transport methods & routines!

Another thing, each baby has their own needs & prefs. The Lalabu shirt carrier that was perfect for my preemie? Outgrown by #2 at 2 months. Same with high chair, bassinet, etc. My only lesson is that any reviews of anything as perfect for everyone are highly sus and babies are gonna baby.


Very late to this! This is the one I have, apparently bought from Amazon even though I am a known Amazon hater for electronics:

I have access to Consumer Labs, not Consumer Reports (would be way more normal) so I’m not much help here!

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Did I already share this here? I love it. At 6 months with bubs I still love it (and she’s 86% height lol). For PNW outdoor baby wearing? Unbeatable.

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Oh dang whoops

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Our stroller/vehicle and baby carrier is ridiculous
(Mostly sourced used or off of buy nothing). We own:

  • Baby jogger city mini gt, with Chicco adapter (main stroller when with baby only
  • Baby jogger city select with two seats and buggy board
  • Joovy sit n stand two seater
  • Step2 push car
  • Radio flyer tricyle with push handle that acts as pseudo stroller

*ergobaby original
*ergobaby embrace
*beco 8
*baby bjorn original carrier
*deuter kid comfort hiking carrier

Somehow we use all of these (carriers and strollers - i don’t really know how :joy:), but we live in the ‘burbs.