Anybody want a Seattle staycation in late April/May?

I’m going to be out of town for nearly a month (dates not set but probably leaving sometime around April 28 and returning around May 22) and would be very happy to have OMD friends stay at my place if anyone would like to visit Seattle any time during that period. I’d ask that you take care of my cat and maybe try to keep my plants (indoor and outdoor) alive – usually not a lot of work that time of year unless we get a heat dome.

I’m in far NE Seattle, just off Lake City Way where you can get a bus to the U district light rail stations (route 372). House currently has two proper bedrooms (one with queen bed, one with twin) and a “flex room” that has another twin bed in it. There is a comfy couch that one not terribly tall person can sleep on and I can provide a single blow up mattress if more people need sleeping space.