Anybody here with 8-11th graders who could use help with the college search/application process

I just signed up for an online class to help parents approach it in a sane way that focuses on your kid/family and finding the best fit for them. I don’t want to spam people randomly or use the forum inappropriately for another business but I would LOVE to do this with forum friends if anyone is interested.

Deadline for this year’s cohort (she offers it once a year) is 11:59pm tonight. The website is @anomalily I can delete that and discuss with interested parties via messaging if it is too spammy. But you might find looking a her sales funnel interesting – you could probably pretty easily develop a similar ecourse for non-traditional students, or kids moving out of foster care, or emancipated teens or any other kind of niche that really could use more hands-on guidance.

If you do decide to sign up please PM me your real name so I can friend you and we can “hang out” while working through the course.