About the Pop Culture + Media category

Discuss Shows, Podcasts, Music here. Finance relevancy optional (but how does Carrie Bradshaw afford those shoes?)

  • by default new topics in this category are “wikis” - you can use header links to link to new episodes/seasons within a thread, the first post is a wiki thread can be edited by all users with a trust level over 1 (most users that are relatively active) What is a Wiki Post? - faq - Discourse Meta

  • Please use spoiler any discussion of topics that are common triggers. If a post is triggering for you (no need to explain why) you can flag it and ask an admin to spoiler it

  • please be aware of copyright and fair use laws when posting content. direct download links to any copyright materials will be removed. You may link to 3rd party websites (like youtube) that might contain copywritten material, but do not post direct download links here. Screenshots are fine.