Useful if you’re trying to scare people and cause chaos.
Hugs from your southern neighbor, Oregonians.
Using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office early? I have no political understanding of this but we need to see this happen. Small condolences after the absolute tragedies on multilpe fronts and lives lost as a direct result of Trump’s presidency.
It was my first semester teaching at midwestern University. I was on my way in to the building when 9/11hit. Got to work. Heard the news. Everyone was sent home, and University cancelled everything.
Went home and watched tv. Most of my family was still living in NYC at the time. My folks and a sibling were in South Brooklyn (so not near anything). My two (adult) cousins lived in battery park, right next to WTC.
A lot of phones were down. Calling was highly discouraged unless for absolutely necessary reasons (and you likely weren’t going to get through anyway). So we were just waiting to hear from friends and family, while watching tv and checking things online as they were available. And mostly being in shock.
I definitely connected with my folks at some point later that day/that eve. Possibly they sent an email vs. calling? I don’t remember.
My cousins wound up walking a good portion of the way before they could get a bus or ride to the rest of the way to my parents’ house. (The condo was uninhabitable for many months after due to soot/ash.)
As it turns out, my uncle (their father) was at the Capitol that day for work, even though he and my aunt lived in California at the time. He was evacuated there. Luckily, he was able to rent a car (he must have acted/thought fast). He was able to drive to Brooklyn from there. They all re-grouped for a few days, realized no flights would be available, the state of the condo, and then all drove cross-country to California. Neither cousin lived in NYC again for 15+ years (one finally returned, one never did).
Thankfully, everyone in my family and close friend group was ok. Most people know/knew someone who died though (the next door neighbor in Brooklyn lost her son).
It’s amazing when I think about that and the overall death toll and compare it to COVID.
Mcconnell will have to want to do it though.
My husband (former military) said “Is Trump no longer president? Vice president can’t do that.”
Have bookies opened odds on how long Trump stays in office now?
I thought McConnell was on board for the votes though? I mean, he’s a dirt bag, but I’m pretty sure he’s not part of this.
Yes. But he might not mind the delay.
Depends if he thinks it can somehow help him.
The reporters in the crowds risking their lives surrounded closely by hundreds of unmasked people. I hope the outdoors and masks they themselves wear are enough.
McConnell’s speech earlier about certifying the election is the exact thing that the (real) Big Bad does when they have good enough intel to know what’s about to go down at the mid-season mark and want no part of it.
Oooh yeah I forgot about that. Signature proud boys move- paintball at people and things until someone comes to fight you. That Trump parade that rolled through downtown Portland where the guy ended up killed had tons of people waving paintball guns.
NPR is reporting that the DC Capitol is cleared.
CBS reports that Pelosi has made a statement after consultation with the VP, the pentagon, and (I think?) the justice department? that they intend to continue the work of certifying the votes tonight as soon as the building is cleared and safe.
That’s fucking crazy. I drank coffee with my book club on that lawn last summer. Right where that was filled.
Thanks for the list. I have no idea if anything is happening in my city, although I’m quite far away from downtown and the important buildings. wouldn’t be surprised if a peaceful counter protest or march goes down my street late tonight or tomorrow, however
Are they still in the building? I assume so. I know they were hustled out of the chambers but I don’t think they left the building. So yes, get back to work. Let’s get this done! Also, fuck terrorists.
I might be a little riled up.
They are somewhere secure (so, somewhere on the capitol grounds, but who knows where exactly). Pence is I think not on site currently (because of the line of succession) and would possibly need to return? It has also been suggested that they won’t necessarily go back to actual chambers in the capitol building itself.