I know I will be, just need to make an updated post with numbers.
End of November!
Hit 5 digits worth of savings for the year this month - hooray!! I did not sock away as much cash as I hoped, but that’s just how these things go sometimes.
Added this month:
$584 - 401K
$30 - Roth IRA
$50 - Emergency fund
$0 - Car fund
2020 annual savings running totals:
$7,775 - 401K
$240 - Roth IRA
$1,870 - Emergency fund
$700 - Car fund
Total: $10,585 / $11,250 = 94% of the way there. The finish line is in sight!
Ok here are the final numbers (I added my next pay contributions to get me complete).
Post tax income: $79,270
Mortgage principle - 25,505 - 32%
RRSP- 17,928 - 22.6%
TFSA- 6,200 - 7.8%
Non-registered saving - 5986 + QT 8000 - 17.6%
Savings accounts for intentional spend - 6000 - 7.5%
I had an 87.5% savings rate for the year, which blows my mind. I can’t wait for the house to be paid off next year. No travel helped, and opening the QT account made a difference because I try to add a bit extra this year when I could to buy a few extra shares (I would buy 4 if that’s all I had money for). I also spent less on fuel for the car because of COVID. I have said it before, but also having $ taken off my pay or direct the day my pay hits my account is a huge help because I don’t know I have it.
Next year will be spendy (deck, maybe a new vehicle but fingers crossed not) so it’s nice to have a good saving year.
I’m almost certain I’m there due to how much debt I’ve paid off and I’ve decently saved besides, but I need to calculate and do a tad bit of estimation for total income since I’m either hourly or per gig depending on the job. Putting a note to run numbers, even if just roughly, this weekend!
Okie dokie, all. It all just changed today. @anomalily and I discussed back in January how to handle it if I got PSLF before the end of the year, and today it happened. So, all the numbers will change.
Final paycheck is 12/31, but I can run the numbers as of now.
Total | $194,488.50 |
PSLF | $142,610.05 |
Salary | $49,728.45 |
Overload teaching | $2,100.00 |
Wellness credit | $50.00 |
Total | $160,774.75 |
PSLF | $142,610.05 |
Pension | $3,109.70 |
Health Savings Account | $5,715.00 |
457B | $9,340.00 |
So, with December still outstanding, that’s a 82.7% savings rate. You can give me a badge if you want to, but I’m keeping the unicorn as my descriptor!
Question: what are we doing with employer contributions? I’ve been ignoring them entirely, but the college pays more into my pension fund than I do.
Congratulations! And especially on being a unicorn!
I count employer contributions to retirement as income and savings both.
I count employer contributions to retirement as income and savings both.
I may need to redo - can do with December’s paycheck since it’ll all be right there.
My gross income was/will turn out to have been higher than I thought this year – I forgot to add in the stimulus check, the small amount of unemployment I received when hours were way cut for a bit early in the pandemic, and then I just got my holiday bonus yesterday. This is a slight estimate as I’m still waiting for a final paycheck this month from both jobs, but I’m putting my totals as follows:
Gross earnings: ~41150
Total savings: ~14600
Savings rate: just over 35%
It was a bit hard to calculate my savings because I have multiple savings accounts, some of which I set up this year, and in March I consolidated some but not all of my credit cards, so it’s a bit of a mess, my budget spreadsheet isn’t set up to make this easy to calculate, but I think it’s pretty accurate!
Sorry for all the badge chaos…I should stop trying to admin from my phone! You now have a badge!!!
My income can be variable, so I’m going to take track monthly and average it out over the year.
My savings sources are:
Roth IRA
Vanguard account
Pension (me)/401k (mr krmit) matches
Travel savings account for 2021 (10 year anniversary trip!)
We did it! I will need to break down the categories once I get mr krmit’s final paycheck for the year into my spreadsheet, but we saved somewhere in the range of 27% of gross income.
Well, I’ll be damned.
In 2020, I saved $20,566.04.
My 20% goal was $12,600… EXCEPT that is more than 20% of my 2020 income because I was partially furloughed from, what, mid-Aprilish to mid-Augustish and took a pay cut. I’d have to sit down and figure out how many paychecks were smaller, or, y’know, just wait for my tax documents as that is less work.
So I did WAY better than anticipated given what a shit year this was, given that for 4-ish months I had a paycut and for 6-ish months we were a one-income household.
I am kind of shocked, honestly.
I gave you the $20,000 badge! CONFREAKINGGRATS!!!
Thank you!!
I am… confused as to how this happened. I’ve been sloppy about tracking my spending this year, instead running around and going AAAAAAAAA every time I see a credit card bill which is almost entirely groceries/household needs/cat items/coffee. And then tossing whatever I have left over into savings. And not tracking that either, really.
Hm, maybe I should try actually tracking things in 2021?! Crazy talk!
Last numbers are in, total savings rate: 26.8%, broken down as follows:
Roth IRAs: 27%
Vanguard account: 8%
Pension (me)/401k (mr krmit): 22%
Travel savings account: 10%
Mortgage: 32%
It’s earlier than usual, but not premature. Bills are paid, I have groceries through the end of the week, I can see my last paycheck of the year, and as soon as today’s coffee run goes from pending to posted, I can pay off the credit cards and call anything weird that happens in the next three days next year’s problem. So I’m going to call it.
Salary: $4,515
Match: $113
Total: $4,628
Reserve: -$1,150
403b: $339
IRA: $2,500
Total Savings: $1,689
December Savings: 36%
2020 Savings: 35%
2020 Total: $20,807
I made it! >20% and >$20,000 saved!
2020 Savings: 35%
Nice - not even close (to 20%)
I got my bonkers commission check for the year, so I can do final numbers now. I am honestly a bit shocked, seeing as I was afraid I was going to be unemployed earlier this year.
December pre-tax income: $19,200 (insane! lol)
December all saved: $9690 (Commission checks seem to get hit extra hard on taxes? $15,100 became $8800 or so. But I will get a lot of it back in my refund next year)
51.5% saved for the month woohoo!
All year pre-tax income; $58252 (the most I have ever made, and a crazy number to me!)
All year saved $26,385
45.3% saved for the year.
PLUS!!! As an added bonus, I hit the $20,000 saved which I never expected to reach so I didn’t join that challenge. Because I work on commission which can vary a lot, I make sure I can live on my base salary of about $31,000 and am always happy to get any commission checks that happen. Like last year I made about $40k and this year it’s $58k, so I never know.
Commission checks seem to get hit extra hard on taxes?
Yes, my experience as well (“Oh, you get paid this much every check so your income is really much higher”)
End of December/END OF 2020!!! We made it!
Added this month:
$593 - 401K
$30 - Roth IRA
$200 - Emergency fund
$100 - Car fund
2020 annual savings running totals:
$8,369 - 401K
$270 - Roth IRA
$2,070 - Emergency fund
$800 - Car fund
Total: $11,509 / $11,250 = 102%
Wahoo! Thanks for the camaraderie and support, friends.
I think this will be my first badge. Haha.
Total: $11,509 / $11,250 = 102%
WHUT!? You magic!