20 in 2020 Challenge: Save $20,000 in 2020

I forgot to update this in February - I added £900 to investments and £305 of my contributions to my pension fund. I think this is the first time that my net worth has dropped more than I’m putting in because of market swings, which isn’t lovely, but on the plus side I forgot to transfer money to my investment account until after the drop, so I got a nice deal :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m up to £2462 this year so far - just under the 2592 I need to be on track but I think it’s make-uppable.


As of today we have

$10k in debt pay-off.

$3.2k to retirement accounts

There’s also $25k that went to post-tax vanguard, but thats not really money I made this year, most of it was hanging out in a high yield savings and I hadn’t done anything with it yet, so not counting it.


Last day of the month. Made a lot of money, but spending a lot of money stocking up/etc because gestures broadly .

Cash Savings YTD: $7,628.02
Traditional IRA: $579

YTD Total: $8,207/$20,000 (43% Total of goal at 24% of the way through the year)

If I can keep up this schedule of working 60 hours a week (spoiler alert: I can’t) and the economy doesn’t collapse (spoiler alert: it has) then I would have this $20K wrapped up by July.

I will probably not count my $1,200 fiscal stimulus as income, but not sure yet. My compulsion is to save it, but I think the best thing I can do is to donate + spend at small local businesses that have been hit hard.


Currently at -$2k (Income-expenses) for the year. Ouch. On the other hand, according to my allocated money in YNAB we saved $60 in March? Yay? Saved money should be a bit higher in April because we’re now paying just $3/week to keep Duckling’s spot, instead of full fees, but also annual health insurance is due. I currently have an optimistic $900 in the savings box.

Current position: $3,260.


At the end of March we are $4,250/AU$29 425.

I don’t think we will make it this year. I do think that is ok.


Way to go everyone! This is a huge effort especially through trying times. I’m proud of this group and honoured to be part of it.:heart:


Definitely still working to save $20k this year despite salary cuts. I’m not entirely certain what’s going to happen but $20k should happen!

I looked through my spreadsheets and am at least feeling a little better than I had been. My stats for the year look better than I’ve been feeling, at least. I have room for Good Savings.

(ETA: All of this is barring actual job loss, which… I mean, let’s really hope that doesn’t happen.)


Literally saving even $50 this year is an accomplishment. No one anticipated the fact the entire world’s economy would shut down in the course of one month.


I think we are now at 108% of our target not counting my work contribution. This wasn’t all cash flowed, we decided to move some money from our house reno sinking fund and do some buying on the way down. So does it count?

Extreme privilege/easy mode. I have a well paying job that I can wfh with in an industry deemed ‘essential’. The shadowy one is still getting severance payouts from their layoff in the fall and has a few hundred dollars of contract money coming in for the time being.




Perhaps? I haven’t been following the other ‘$20’-themed threads closely.


Since savings = earnings - spending, I’d say no. It isn’t money you’ve saved this year, it’s money you saved in the past and then put in a specific vehicle this year.


This is my take, and is why the $24k we put into IRAs And $6k into HSA doesn’t mean we’ve hit our goal. It was just moving money around, not really saving it.


March Savings

  • $0 Roth IRA 2020
  • $380.76 457 plan
  • $142.78 mandatory employee contribution
  • $414.54 employer contribution
  • $0 403(b)

Total YTD: $7,232.14
36.16% to 20k!

There continue to be shenanigans with my 457 plan. Supposedly it will finally be corrected by my next paycheck so savings should go up pretty fast once that goes into effect. Should reach 20k within 6 paychecks so mid-June? We’re holding cash right now for a reno project so I’m not sure when I’ll finish out the Roth IRA. I feel like I should dump money in there and take advantage of lower stock prices, but seeing a bigger number in my bank account is strangely comforting right now.


Same same same same


Sounds good. So for consistency with the other folks in this thread, I’ll restate that we’re at 92% (I added the retirement contributions made through work this year and removed the money from other existing funds which was put into savings/investments this year).


Update for March:
Retirement savings: $900
Savings account: $628, a little less than I wanted mostly because of passport processing fees I forgot about. How do I budget for something that only happens every five years? Maybe I should tweak my budget a little more to allow for more ‘occasional miscellany’ like passport fees or buying stamps.

Total saved YTD: $9028, 45% of my goal. Feeling very grateful for a stable income (as always, but particularly now).


I chuck passport fees ( I get to do it twice every 5 years thanks to dual citizenship) into my travel budget.


It’s payday, so time for an update!
March: £1000 to investments, £305 to pension
April: £1000- to investments, £150 to my cash emergency fund and £289 to my pension

My net worth has dropped again, but only just by more that what I’m putting in.

I’m up to £5206 - on track would be £5184 so I’m on target! It turns out to be very easy to save money when I can’t go anywhere (though I have upped a couple categories)


Can I join late? I would like to play too!!!