I’d take a couple of duplo people and a small car or two, and maybe a.couple of those really mini board books that come in a pack? We have these ones and they’ve been pretty good for entertaining the small one.
The “car or two” reminded me of a tip I saw a while back - crayons and blank paper, use the crayons to draw a road for the cars to drive on then the toddler can draw other stuff on the paper too for the car to see as it drives.
A sticker book! I don’t really understand it, personally, but placing stickers on a page is a very engrossing activity for a toddler. A brand new sticker book for a long plane ride saved me lots of times.
Hi all! I just joined this forum and I have an 18 month old. I’ve been checking out Busy Toddler on instagram for ideas of things that are generally cheap/free and occupy kiddos. My current favorite is using painters tape to create a bunch of things at different heights to collect. My son’s PT recommended using painters tape like a limbo pole too but I haven’t tried that yet.
We’ve used wetbags for bottles and diapers but hadn’t thought about them for toys. What an amazing idea!