I give monthly to:
Climate Change Orgs - Because having a livable world is a prerequisite to most of the other things I care about, and this feels like the most urgent thing to be addressing at the current moment in time. It is harder to quantify the results of giving here that other areas though.
- Cool Earth
- The Coalition for Rainforest Nations
High impact health organisations- This (along with the climate change org) is mostly coming from a sense of wanting to be able to provide the most help with what I am able to give.
- Against Malaria Foundation
- Partners in Health
Organisations that I feel I owe something to/ get something from:
- Wikipedia
- My university Rowing club (pretty minimally, as I don’t think they’re particularly strapped for cash, but they subsidized a lot for me and I do want that to continue for future generations).
Also patreon, which is a pretty small portion of giving, and I’m never sure whether to even count it as charity or buying fun entertainment from people I like.
I’m currently at about 7% of salary here - I’ve been building up this number since starting work by splitting all new salary increases between my pension and charity, so I’m hoping this will rise for as long as I am able to maintain it. Ultimately, the amount that I want to stabilise on is linked to FIRE - it’s the amount that I can afford to give in perpetuity while being able to switch to working on things that I really care about in what seems like a hopeful enough timeframe, which is probably around 20% of current salary if the timeframe is 15 years.
And then have a separate pot (averaging about £500 year) that is earmarked for either helping people close to me who are in difficult situations, or for urgent crises.
I’ve struggled to articulate exactly why I feel I should give. Fundamentally, I feel like I’ve been almost obscenely lucky with how much money I have in the global scheme of things (combo of supportive family, born in a well off country, and having easily marketable skills, along with little fixed responsibility as no kids/ dependents), and I have a responsibly to use it thoughtfully.
I basically see the goal of how I use that money (and other resources I have - time, skills, etc.) as being to balance my own personal happiness (where the big pushes to allocate money are not having anxiety about meeting my basic needs, and a longer-term goals of having a stable home and being able to not rely on work that I don’t really enjoy), and leaving a better world for other people (where the pushes to allocate money are obviously charity, but also being able to work on things that I think are important rather than profitable, and being able to be generous to those around me).