Snackuary 2024: Food Budget Challenge

Week 4: Continuing to track food spending successfully. Spent $121.52 on food ($25.96 on takeout and $95.56 on groceries). Both of this week’s takeout trips were made on foot.
With the month winding down, it looks like I’m going to spend around $400 on food total this month, if I only buy what I need for the next four days. That’s… a lot for one person, but I also allocate a higher percentage of my budget to food and spend way less than average on my housing costs. I just like food, ok!


Week 4

So I’m over on grocery and way over on my “eating out with people” goal mostly because I forgot we had a big industry meeting this past week and I couldn’t resist the fun colleague/networking time at a Thai restaurant during lunch even though I’d brought my own food. I also went out for brunch today to help a friend with wedding planning, but no regrets there. :smiling_face: :ring: I’m $297 on eating out with people, which is $47 over.

Eating out alone I’m at $97 so still $53 under, which is good.

Grocery is at $301, so just $1 over, but I still need to do one more shopping trip tomorrow before the end of the month so it will probably be closer to $50 over after that.

Next Week Meal Plan

Pasta night
Roast veggies
Avocado toast and fried eggs
Bean tacos
(The rest of the week we are on a little road trip to see family)

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Oh! @anomalily I’m catching up on livestreams and those stickers are from me! Mostly from Korea :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
No need to name me on the livestream or anything but I wanted you to know they’re from Korea! Except the donut bike which is just a random one I found in a haul of 1k random stickers lol


I found your note right after the livestream! They are so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Last check in!

  • Dry January continues. Been drinking a lot of cranberry juice this week.
  • pulled some frozen leftovers for dinners this week.
  • no garden kale eaten this week- there was a lot of frost damage, although I think the plants themselves survived.
  • spent $5.75 on takeout, $71.76 on groceries
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Final check-in!
Groceries: $748/$800
Eating Out: $132/$250
How many times eating out: 5/4
Any duplicate restaurants? No


final spend breakdown check in: 537

produce: 128
dairy: 102
condiment: 95
protein: 85
carb: 67
beverage: 60

We spend a lot on caffeine and cheese. Condiments quickly add up, as does produce when I’m not lucky with grab bags.


I failed-uary


Final check in! I continued to build my price book this week by finding the best place to buy individual coffee creamer pod thingies. (I know, I hate how wasteful this is, but I work 2 days a week and people were drinking all my creamer out of the fridge in between, even if it had my name on it.) The answer is Walmart, although I will also check at Costco next time I am there, and also Business Costco if I find myself there. (I know I have seen the pods there but the expiration date can be problematic for the size of the box.)

I realized this week that the Boy is not getting butter out of the freezer, he is just buying more. So if I want to get butter at Costco and save $$, I will need to bring the butter up from the freezer myself before he makes the list.

This month has been clarifying for me about what I can- and more importantly cannot- control about our food spending.


I did too and I blame the ice storm.

I think you know who to blame

I also failed (…spectacularly). Can I blame an ice storm in a different state and children that aren’t even mine :rofl:

(ok but really I guess buying a house and planning a move also counts?? maybe??)


Um, of course it counts!!


We might have to do snacktempber or something


final check-in:

Delivery: $3/$20 - one iced coffee
Drink more tea: 17/31
Eat vegetables: 25/31
Check food stashes: mostly done! found another pile of tea and so many cans of tuna “for emergencies”


Feduary ?
But yes, I failed so spectacularly that I didn’t even manage to make an initial post :person_facepalming:


Final check-in on the final day of the month!

We’ve been procrastinating getting groceries for the week so we’re still at $357.25 in grocery spending for the month. I think that’s about what I was expecting, but it’s nice to have a solid number to actually confirm it. That comes out to about $6 per person per day, which may not be a particularly useful statistic, but it is interesting.

I’m at $78.19 for dining out spending for myself this month, which is about double where I usually like to be, whoops. The increase is from two birthday dinners for friends this month & the rediscovery that leaving the house is the only way I can get myself to study for this certification after work, so I’ve been frequenting a nearby cafe. Neither of these causes bother me too much, but I might consider moving some money around in YNAB to cover this cafe habit (at least until I take the exam in April).

Even though I overspent a bit in dining out, I got some good data, so I’d call this snackuary a success! :sparkles:


Reminder! It’s time for BADGES and stickers! Wrap up your final findings from Snackuary and you’ll get a badge this week! If you don’t get a badge by the end of the day tomorrow February 1 then bat signal @anomalily


I’m so happy to hear someone enjoyed how the month went lol


Absolutely, please just put a note in the form and I’ll make sure to mail them out - Same with you @ladyduck


If I have accidentally missed badging you please @ signal me and I’ll grant you the badge.

Stickers will be mailed next Monday or Tuesday (Feb 5th/6th) so you’ve got a few days to fill in the form!

And if you’re ready for your stickers, here you go! Please fill this out!!

Snackuary 2024 Sticker Mailing

This is a form for submitting your address to get your sweet sweet reward sticker! We will not use this for any nefarious purposes, just to ship you a sticker!

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