Snackuary 2021: January Food Budget Challenge

Huge success in my book! Gave me something to focus on. Tried new meatless recipes that will be in permanent rotation, became very aware of food waste, which helped me start to cut it down a lot. I think I’m going to make a mental goal to focus on cutting down groceries for the first quarter, then choose another category to start to focus on if I feel ready.


I learned that my child eats a LOT and high grocery prices aren’t an anomaly for us lol.


My conclusion is we spend most of our money on animal products and probably need to eat more vegetables. Also reminded me that the most expensive homemade meal is usually cheaper than the cheapest takeout we’re inclined to get. Also also spices are amazing.


I loved it! We learned(well reinforced) that we absolutely do not need to go to the grocery store as much as we had been. We do not need to give into the cravings.


I learned that I spend less by eating almost every meal at home than using the really good cafeteria / restaurant at the office even if I buy 75% organic.
And I buy to much cake from the good small bakery. Most of the spent in the bakery category is creamy delicious pieces of cream pie :grin:


Final check in $145.50 on groceries (plus maybe another $100 or so on the gift card that is now used up). Eating out kept at $100, so that’s good. Plastic usage probably stayed the same, I replenished our supplies for a possible lockdown then we went into lockdown again so my prep was justified and I think I’ll just live with the same plastic usage for now.


Totally spaced my final check in.

Week 4:
Groceries:198.53/200 :white_check_mark:
Takeaway: 6/5 One on a gift card and one with cash.

End of month reflections: I stayed within my grocery budget goals (barely) and ate down some of my stored supply. I ended up getting takeaway once more than I’d hoped, but most orders were using gift cards and all orders were from local spots, so I won’t feel guilty over this.


A fairly high-price pickup today ($165.00 of food for humans), so I wonder if I just pushed some expenses out to February. But I don’t expect another this month unless maybe beer? And there is some significant stocking up in this order, enough hamburger and ground turkey for 3-4 months, for example.

I think the annual average is a better measure.


Groceries have gone up a lot in the past 2 years and even more so the past year with the pandemic. For 2 of us our budget was 300 and the past year it’s been 500. We are now divorced and I will be moving out some time this month. My target is 150 including my sparkling water I drink daily but not eating out. It will be interesting to see how this works out.


Is this on this year?


We probably should, huh! I can make a new one!

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Thanks for the reminder, @shadowmoss - we’re back on!

Snackuary 2022: January Food Budget Challenge