Snackuary 2021: January Food Budget Challenge

Planning the meals, identifying the ingredients I needed for that meal plan and any staples, and putting the order in all in 15 mins were the wins!


We did some house tours, so I’m completely overwhelmed and drinking unplanned bubble tea and walking to eat unplanned tacos to cope. Seems trivial in the face of deciding on buying a house. :exploding_head:


This turned out really well. It was a 2mi walk round trip and we did take out and ate on the patio by ourselves. We got to enjoy our neighborhood which is why we bought our current home, got some walking in, and got to talk to each other the whole way! $27 for the boba and tacos, which was very worth the walking and conversations it led to.


We are now at $144.08/300.00, so we will be just fine. This includes ingredients for husband’s birthday tiramisu, some veggies, and random odds and ends I can’t remember. It almost certainly includes soda for husband. Probably not a great thing that I can’t remember what we spent $144 on!


No shopping for me this week, so I’m still at $187.21/$300 for the month wooooooo


Last grocery shop for the month:

This produce was $16.60, which brings my total for January to $129.77/$150 goal

I’m really excited that I was able to make it in well under my goal for the month. I ate a lot of meat from the freezer, and quite a bit of pantry staples as well. I think if I had to buy meat this month it would have been closer to $170 total, which is also ok! I learned a lot about the quantity of fresh produce I can actually consume in a week, and cut way back on my food waste. I get really excited in the produce section and tend to overbuy, but I am just one person…so this has been a great exercise in only buying what I need, and having a plan for every ingredient I buy instead of just winging it all the time.

On the meal plan for this week:

Italian sausage+eggplant+tomato sauce w/spaghetti squash
Big salads w/tons of veg, avocado and kidney beans


Final totals:

cheese 25.17
other dairy 5.03
eggs 7.00
beans, lentils 3.86
grain 8.36
veggies 26.56
fruits 13.19
seeds, nuts 6.79
oil/vinegar 3.79
dry spice
condiments 4.18
other baking
coffee 5.76
snacks 14.21
sugar/candy 3.73
pickles 8.00

I also spent $40.40 on Nachos takeout 3x (same restaurant, literally 500 steps from my front door)

So total spending on food is $176.35. Goal was $180 on groceries :grin: My average is $200/mo on groceries not including any restaurants. Did pretty good! Of course, there’s another 7 days in January. And my pantry is very low on certain things (no fresh fruit right now, totally out of oats). I could definitely eat for 7 days without shopping again.


Produce is here! $40. We are going to be so nourished.
Going out for real groceries soon

  • Vegetables - 28.97
  • Fruit - 87.04
  • Vegan protein + eggs - 54.13
  • Meat/cheese/dairy other than straight milk - 93.14
  • Premade grain items (ex.: pasta, chips, bread) - 87.30
  • Grain ingredients (ex.: flour, rice) - 20.65
  • Milk - 8.87
  • Vegan dairy substitutes - 19.64
  • Treats - 88.62
  • Beverages (coffee/tea/lemon juice) - 62.23
  • Condiments/oils/spices - 46.12

Mistakes have been made


This week’s new “recipe”: tasty frozen pizza from a local restaurant. Definitely adding this to our repetoire of quick freezer meals.
Spent: $37.14 (eggs, cheese, mandarins, tortillas, butter, and frozen pizza)
Kale: making a giant salad tonight

I gotta admit, incorporating weekly kale is not happening naturally - it’s been almost entirely weekend salads so I can maintain my Snackuary reports. So thanks for keeping my greens consumption up, folks!


Two times dining out this week: Papa John’s and takeout Chinese food.

No grocery shop, though we will have to fill in as we aren’t going to make it the whole week with what is in the fridge.

Food waste - Had to throw out milk and heavy cream that my sister gave us when she moved and my almond milk when I forgot to put it back in the fridge all day. And two wilted heads of romaine from December (HB did the grocery shop 1x last month and bought some duplicates to what was in the fridge so we didn’t go through it fast enough). And 1 slice of pizza from th takeout order. Though I am seriously aware of our food waste now and will likely continue tracking for my own sake. I don’t think I was aware it was that bad!

Total food bill still ridiculously low for us at 448 but I think we will have to shop this week.


Only $$ I spent on food was for planned takeout. $40.29 for food and a generous tip for the two of us at a new in the neighborhood vegan place. Totally worth it: food was so good!

I realized per my original post I was contemplating maybe tracking produce purchases —that is not something I ended up doing, mainly because in general (though certainly not exclusively) Sweaty purchases more of our staples and I purchase more of the specialty items and things we can’t find at the normal supermarket.


We went shopping once this week and also picked up food today. So we are at 4 of 4 grocery shops. I think we are going to run out of milk before the end of the month so likely one more shop. BUT this is so much better than we had been doing! Not quite my goals but thats ok.


Mint shows me at $60/100 with the addition of $16 for pizza over last week’s total. Technically the pizza was takeout and not groceries, but I’m counting it anyway since I’ve been trying to eat down stores. However, the friend who took a turn grocery shopping for all three of us this weekend hasn’t sent me my portion of the bill yet so I’m guessing it’ll be closer to $90/$100 when we officially settle up.


Eating down the cupboard and freezer: I ate 2 cans of tuna (tuna salad), and some frozen raspberries.
$40.01/$40 spent on groceries. I don’t plan on going grocery shopping the rest of the month.
2/5 takeout/delivery meals.


Groceries 182.74
Most things a month’s worth (plus we need weekly produce which I signed up for, and more milk and eggs and bread every week. Plus I didn’t find a conditioner without silicone…because

Husboo has learned from me that food basics is 30% cheaper than metro, so he asked to go there. And then he made several choices about cheaper items (i.e. not the ultra expensive tuna) because he wants my OMD friends to be proud of him. Please feel free to send him gifs





Take away food occurrences exceeded goal for reasons (and on track to fail again this remaining week)… and our food spending is on husband’s credit card means I can’t see the totals without him logging in (bad timing whenever I thought to ask him and I found myself getting way annoyed at him, not cool). I also didn’t cook any dinners. I still haven’t gotten any takeaway coffee, but other than that I quit/fail and am ok with it.


Week 3:
Groceries: $163.44/200
Takeaway: 4/5