Small Things You Did Today to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

Just be sure to squish a same type pillow in a store new and make sure it’s not too broken down! I made that mistake with my first and it made positioning WAY harder than it should have been. :smiling_face_with_tear: I ended up using my used one stacked with the new of a different type I opted for at LC recommendation so it still got use, and for tummy time work, but def made life way harder on its own.


My tweezers aren’t tweezing great anymore, but apparently Tweezerman offers free sharpening. So, I’m going to send them off, but they say it takes 12-16 weeks to get them back! My rogue chin hairs are going to be out of control by then! We’ll see how long I can last til I breakdown and buy a backup pair.


Adding car tweezers really improved my life :joy: because I always notice the witch hairs while driving.


That’s one thing I miss out on by mostly using public transit!


Definitely not worth the trade off lol :melting_face:


I now have travel tweezers separate from my good tweezers


It doesn’t feel broken down in my highly inexpert opinion, but I’ll do a comparison! I don’t want to make nursing any harder than it has to be, lol.


Yeah I learned the hard way (apparently my preferred method :woman_facepalming:t3:) so trying to save any potential grief haha.


I feel like learning to nurse is only learning the hard way so may as well reduce the difficulty.


I have a pair of purse tweezers and nail clippers! Both are not as good as the ones I have at home but I’m very happy to have them when I’m out and about :slight_smile:


In the last two months I’ve switched to buying bar soap only, and locally from a small business. I also started using a Leaf safety razor, the model Twig. There is a bit of a learning curve, but there’s sooo much less plastic. The razors I was using before were free (through the food pantry at school) and the startup cost ($60) is what kept me from purchasing it for so long, but I think it will be worth it in the long run.


Even my cheap one has saved so much! And I misunderstood how many razors $15 would buy me on Amazon, so I’m pretty sure my grandchildren will be using my razor blades.


I just ordered a $5 sampler that I’m sure will last me through the end of this year, if not longer.

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Although it definitely wouldn’t be the most anti-social norm thing happening on any given light rail train :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I forgot to mention that mine uses half a razor blade, so these are gonna last me a loooong time.

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I remembered to turn the hot water heater temp back down after I finished washing the wool fleece!


Got my mom NOT to go insanely over the top and waste a ton of food for my husbands bday BBQ yesterday. I think I offended her a bit, but honestly, I’m so tired of it looking like a wedding banquet every time 11 people get together. Other than some squishy blueberries and a dip that was left out too long to be safe, I don’t think there was any food waste! Huge improvement over normal.


What were the changes you suggested? Excellent work!! I sometimes struggle with having way too much food and we usually find a way to repurpose but sometimes (always) it’s not perfect.


Straight up told her please not to bring anything :grimacing: and then we kept the menu simple. Part of the issue is that she usually likes to have like a TON of different options. So say we’re doing tacos, she’ll want chicken and ground beef and Carnitas, flour and corn tortillas, along with a whole table full of different toppings you can add. We opted to do a barbecue and just had cheeseburgers and hotdogs as the mains, corn on the cob side. And that we were able to thaw quite a bit of meat, and then just cook each pack as people ate the previous ones, so there wasn’t a ton of overcooking. And for snacks, we just had a bag of chips, and a bunch of sliced veggies and sliced fruit with some hummus, and so there’s a little more flexibility there on quantities and leftovers too. And we did cupcakes for the desert instead of two to three cakes and two ice creams like she likes to do :melting_face:


Thanks for sharing! I’m planning the food for a bachelorette party and just simplified the menu over the weekend and I think it will result in a lot less food waste.

It seems like the main take away (other than don’t be as over the top as your mom) is having options are great, but simplicity is what will drive lower waste. We checked to make sure preferences/allergies are covered by the dish we are making every day but no need to make a full on buffet of gluten free, vegan, etc when people either don’t have allergies or only have one preference that is easy to work with.

I feel like for groups of 15 or less this is really easy to do but can get more complicated with bigger groups, which also will eat the extra food needed to provide options.

Also for this party we are planning the last night to be leftovers/order pizza if we run out of food which should help even more.