I use a Moleskine for this exact purpose and am really happy with it. I’ll keep some general to-do pages and specific day/timing pages. Example below, none of the real names would be identifying.
It is messy and not cute but cute isn’t a priority for me.
Good questions! Probably most of it is flexible and scheduled on Friday for the week to come or at most a couple of weeks out, with the usual handful of appointments for me and the three kids that are scheduled further out.
I like a monthly + weekly spread myself. I second the advice above about going to Target and browsing.
I personally have used the Ardium planner for a few years now. It’s not the cheapest option but I have a thing against spiral notebooks (I carry my planner in a backpack with my laptop and spirals always get bent). I use the monthly spread to capture important dates, and then the weekly spread to go into more depth. My favorite things about it is the blank page next to the weekly spread that I use as a to-do list, and the 20-something blank pages in the back that I use for random things (I.e my reading log resides there, list of books I want to read, longer term planning, etc).
My planner is for personal stuff only - work stuff is all electronic.
Let’s say you were doing a paraffin wax dip for your hands.
Let’s say your sleeves weren’t ALL the way pushed up.
Let’s say you dipped the corner of a cuff into the paraffin wax.
Ya’ll how the heck do I handle this now?? It’s the cuff of a woven flannel button down. How do I get the wax… out?? It’s saturated the corner of the cuff.
I can’t like… wash it normally and then throw it in the dryer. The wax will melt in the dryer and be a Whole Thing ™ ?? or am I being way over concerned.
Worst case scenario I take the cuffs off and put on new cuffs. Which may never happen because my “small edits” pile of sewing is like >__> UH. Not insubstantial.
I might try freezing it first and seeing if I could break off some of the excess wax first with physical movements, then go to the slow heating options to get the rest.