Random Questions

I don’t have to shred much. Mine is in a plastic shoe box on a closet shelf until I take it to work once a year or so.


Earlier this summer I re-caulked my bathroom and kitchen. I have caulked before- I don’t have a particularly steady hand, but it held up. This time it almost immediately started cracking. See pic. I used Kwik Seal- which is also what I used last time, but I think last time it was like Kwik Seal advanced or premium or something.

What did I do wrong? Do I need to re-caulk ASAP?

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Did you caulk the tub with water in it? I find I need the weight of the water dueing curing to prevent early separation.


I didn’t think of that! That might help in the bathroom. Do you think it could also be the problem in the kitchen?

big temperature swings would be a concern for me in the kitchen. they don’t have the same weight changes I wouldn’t think. it might be old caulk? need a thicker bead?

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It was brand-new caulk but does seem like a thin bead… maybe next time I need to cut further down on the tube!


sometimes it’s brand new to us, but it’s been at the store for a while. we’ve started checking the expiry dates, just like we would for dairy.


Definitely need a full tub of water when caulking the tub, hopefully between that an a new tube your bathroom issue will be fixed


If I tip on Rover is it as good as tipping cash? Our cat sitter wrote adorable notes about her Percy visits


Sitter fees don’t get taken out of tips on Rover, so they get the full amount, but they do show up as taxable income when the sitter receives a 1099.


How much should we give / spend on a nephlings wedding gift?
They are in their late 20s, out of school, and both work FT and they have been cohabiting for a few years. Spouse wants to spend $100-$200, I think that is way too little. And I am usually the cheapskate while Spouse spends freely and often.


Dang I’m a cheapskate :sweat_smile: I do $50ish gifts for just about everything


I think $200 is average/internet minimum for your position. But depending on number of aunts/uncles/grandparents who are financially set, you can be the hero auntie at 250-400 who either gets them a “we really want this but can’t afford it gift” or a very useful gift card.

Below $100 they might not notice or might wonder if they offended you.

Their friends and cousins, like Greyweld, will snap up that $50 category.

For the wedding we have this month I am thinking about bringing a salad and dessert (requested) and maybe a book store gift certificate (no gifts requested, but best friends since University, acquaintances in highschool and a book certificate will not go unused).


I think $250 is good if you can afford it and are close enough to warrant it. If you’re not that close then less is fine.


Agreed, I think $200-300 is in range and appropriate. I had one aunt who gave us $500 (this was 13 years ago), and it felt shockingly generous. So I guess it depends on how close you are/want to be.


No one, including parents, gave more than $100 when we got married 6 years ago. Most guests were $25-$50.


I gave around $60 worth off their registry for my younger cousin and her fiance. We’re also traveling across the country to be at their wedding. I think I gave $30-$50 to my other cousins but that was also 10-15 years ago so we were all early in our careers at that point. I wouldn’t be surprised if my mom gave $100 but I don’t know for sure.


Question: best seats for a choral concert in a church? Too far back and you can’t hear properly. But maybe too far forward is bad too? Tallis Scholars is coming to Portland and there are first row seats available, but I’m wondering if we should sit a little back.

I’m not close with any cousins and don’t think I went to any of their weddings. I would have been young and poor at the time anyway.


We’re also turning this into a mini-family vacation for four days after the wedding or else the odds of me going are a lot lower, or going as just me and not spouse and kid.