Random Questions

Has anyone purchased clothing from Halara?

Their pants look super cute.


I did laundry. Do I need to do it again once the pipes are clear?

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I would. Do they say why it was unclear in the first place though?

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The water has been restored as we have located the issue and resolved it. Please understand that the water will be discolored due to the property being drained and sediments.


I’d re-wash in case there’s something that could irritate your skin.


Hi angels. Question.

I just saw a position posted within my company that might be a better fit for me (although I’d need some training, since it’s reliant on several systems I do not currently use).
If I apply, should I tell my current boss? Should I mention I’m looking at it?

My current job is fine, and maybe I’m just antsy, but this newly posted position is much more back-end/tech, and I hate the current relationship building I have to do. I’m currently in biz dev and the new position is in retention email marketing.

I’m not even sure what my full question is here. Lol.
Should I apply? If I do and don’t get it that may show a lack of commitment to my current team?


Yes! Every position assumes they’ll need to train a new person, getting someone who is internal means you already know half the stuff. And if you have a good boss they may even help put your name forward.

Signed, someone with your same question a decade ago who ended up in a great job. I was hesitant to apply but my boss also oversaw the new position and I mentioned it to her and she was like “Yes please do the thing. We don’t expect you to know everything about the job before you even apply.” I had to train on a bunch of stuff but it worked out great for everyone.


Where do you buy men’s dress socks? It’s what my cousin wants for Christmas.


Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately, the above is not the situation in my case and I really like my current boss and know nothing about the Director who would be my new boss. :grimacing:

Should I perhaps ask my current boss to do a warm introduction to the other Director? We are pretty siloed in our individual departments so a lot of us barely even know each other aside from slightly recognizing each other’s names or faces during an all staff zoom.


If you feel comfortable with your current boss, yes. They might be able to, as the kids say, spill the tea on the Director and department in general.


I say definitely tell your boss you’re applying, since you like them. They will likely find out as soon as you apply anyway, so it’s better to come directly from you. I like scheduling a formal meeting and saying, “hey boss, I’m planning to apply to Role. I feel I can bring X to the position but also would like the new challenge of learning Y. Do you have any tips for me while applying? I haven’t worked closely with Director before. Do you believe I would be a good fit under their management style?”

Asking for an intro might be awkward depending on the company culture/nature of their relationship, but bringing them up in the convo will give room for Boss to offer an introduction or to put a good word in for you without being directly asked (and then having to say no if they can’t) .


I did this at a job (applied within the org to another department- so NOT the same boss). I told my current boss I’d seen the listing and mentioned “it looks like a lot of the description applies to me, what I do already, etc.” and she actually wasn’t surprised at all. She said she also thought of me when she saw the listing. Definitely apply! And I would talk to your boss. I think it’s always worse to blindside a higher-up than to be direct. You can frame it as, “I’d hate to lose you as a boss, you’re so great, but this jobs is the perfect stepping stone for my 5 year plan- what do you think?” That way he/she feels you are coming to them as a mentor, for advice, but you are also telling them what you want.


Kohls, JC Penney, Macy’s.


I dislike this answer, but thank you for providing it.


Haha, why?


Because that means doing laundry, again.


Ooooh that’s such an awesome “compliment sandwich” response.

@JanetJackson So I don’t know how it works at your company, but at my former large tech company your current manager would get an email if you applied to an internal job from the online system! So if you knew that you would send an email to the hiring manager instead of going through the system, and then if hired then you’d set up a meeting with your manager to deliver the news. I’m sure you’re in a much smaller company and it’s possible word would get around that you’d applied anyway?

If you have a good boss and a good relationship, they should support you in a positive career move. I hope that’s the case!


Ohhh, haha I thought you were responding to my job switching advice for JJ, lol. I was so confused.

Sorry for the extra laundry :frowning: YOU’RE WELCOME FOR THE LACK OF A RASH


I’m lazy and would risk the skin irritation by wearing the funky water clothes and only re wash if irritation occured. But also my skin doesn’t usually react to much.


I ordered two pairs of joggers from them a couple months ago. They’re comfy and have great color options and fit well and the ones I got are really easy to brush pet hair off of. I do feel like the ones I got (probably not as much of an issue with cords!) show underwear lines worse than most of my pants so I don’t end up wearing them as much as I otherwise would.

Basically they are good pants but not exactly what I wanted and it would have been better if I could try them on first — returns feel like they would be a pain with overseas shipping.