Random Questions

A cork screw for travelling and hotels not having a bottle opener.

And all the other stuff people listed above.

I have a small roadside kit that has flares, etc too which lives in my car.


I don’t know if this was mentioned, but I used to have a card in my car that says the basic steps to follow in case of getting in an accident. I think I got it from my insurance provider.


I used to have a picnic blanket and a shovel in my car but I took them out and forgot to put them back in. Now I barely even have my shopping bags.

I do have extra masks and one fork though.


I… Huck a sleeping bag in there when i drive in the winter. But uh. That’s about it. My folks gave me a battery powered tire pump i need to put in my trunk still.
Probably should look into more things.


I mean. It’ll also partially depend on where you live and where you drive. We regularly cross the cascades, so we don’t really fuck around on safety gear :sweat_smile: but you can also find the official government prep lists for your area and stuff. Those help a lot.


Percy’s birthday is next month. She’s an older pup with arthritis, how should we spoil her? I already have a heated comfortable bed on my list.


Does she have any sweaters?
Does she take Cosequin? It seems to help His Lordship (and is cheaper from Costco).

What are consequences? If it’s a supplement we already have her on some.

Sweaters - hm usually it’s too hot here for sweaters. The times we do let the house get cold in winter I do put a blanket over her, usually shortly afterwards she’s moved so the blanket isn’t on her any more lol.

How’s her stomach? Could you do an extra special meal, like giving her boiled chicken with her food?

Oh, and what about soft plush blankets? We have a few that have become Louie’s.

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On the car list - a lot of the jump starters have a compressor, and that can save space if you get one that does both. We have one in each primary vehicle and I generally even remember to keep them charged.

We have a lot more gear than most here because of mountain commute through national forest (no food because bears). I should add a little cash, though there’s nowhere to buy anything on most of our commute.

Oh, if you’re going to put a pair of shoe in there, put in some socks, too. Presumably the shoes are for if you have to walk some distance, and wearing them without socks if you were driving in heels or sandals would be no fun at best.


Oh, and forgot what I came to ask: Anyone have recommendations for comfy no-wire bras that hook in front? I don’t need much support but trying to find something not as hot as a camisole for summer, and my shoulders don’t like tight over the head things or back hooks anymore.


I have these! They provide a pretty light amount of support - less than my underwire bras, but plenty for low impact walking or yoga type things. I’ve had some for three years now and they hold up reasonably well. Definitely one of my most comfortable bras.

They seem to go on sale for 50% off or more every few months, so I wait for that.


That should have read Cosequin (glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate, etc. for joints).

Our dog now mostly gets a food treat (no longer interested in toys).


Oh, yes, we’re doing that. I thought consequences were a brand or something and I thought that was an odd brand name for the company to choose. :rofl:


100% this for me. My current owned car, in the middle of a metro area with transit, car sharing, taxis, and rideshare, has the compressor that came with it (no spare), an empty travel mug, and $5 cash.

I have a Rubbermaid tote for travel in rental cars however. And a whole different tote for winter/mountain driving. But in Minneapolis? Naw, I’ll call a tow truck and find another way to get there rather than dig my car out lol


Yeah, my car (mostly in town or between cities driving) has one of those seltbelt cutter/window breaker things and jumper cables. I used to keep a couple of bottles of water rolling around the floorboards too but that was due to putting off fixing something that would overheat and needed water dumped on in the engine.

In less disaster planning mode, my car also has in it: a solid umbrella, several reusable totes, a black cardigan and black flats in case of clothing emergency, and hairbrush/lipstick/mascara in case of grooming emergency.

In my more adventurous days, I used to keep an overnight bag with a new work appropriate outfit, mini makeup kit, tooth brush kit and deodorant. You just never knew when you wouldn’t make it home that night.


Does anyone here have the capitol one venture card or the venture x? I’m debating between the 2 and am struggling to figure out why not get the venture x (despite being a $300 more annual fee)?

They have the same sign up bonus of 75k miles and same $100 credit for global entry/TSA precheck. The venture x has a $300/year travel credit if you book through their portal which seems to make the 2 equal out in cost. Venture x gives you unlimited airport lounge access for the cardholder plus 2 guests through the priority pass program and it ups the ante on the venture card with 10x miles on flights booked through their portal.


Jeweler friends… is this fixable?


Doesn’t your lipstick melt, though?


Yes, but will it cost more than the value of the ring? A jeweler can fix / reinforce the spots that got bent. If it’s still strong, they can get everything properly realigned.