Random Questions

I’m not sure. In my case the reason why it was changed is because they had submitted it as an out of network surgery center, but it was at the actual Kaiser facility, so definitely in network. $250 is my copay for in-network outpatient surgery, instead of the (whatever)% coinsurance for out of network outpatient surgery


Ah okay never mind :joy: mine was just obscenely expensive and my insurance kinda sucks.


Looks like a guava!

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Is it a fire hazard


SirB thinks it looks fine. You just don’t want to daisy chain multiple extension cords or power strips, or put really high draw stuff (like portable AC units) on a small power strip or undersized extension cord. Also just make sure stuff doesn’t get partially unplugged as it opens and closes. :+1: I would open and close it a few times then check the connection to the wall and make sure it’s still fully plugged in.


Thank you bracken family!


Colder weather is coming and I need some new long-sleeve shirts for work. I have like five button down shirts from American Eagle and I really hate all the buttons.

Anybody got any recs for long-sleeve polo-type shirts? I would prefer more masculine style as I hate the cut of ‘traditional’ feminine clothing.


A bit pricy, but you might like Duluth Trading Company. Lands End is less expensive (and having sales right now) and might also be a good option. I eschew both companies because the cuts are not feminine (i.e. not body skimming, no darts, more of a loose/relaxed fit) so they would probably be perfect for what you want!



Thanks for the link to duluth. I used to have some Lands End shirts but I hated the way they fit my shoulders.


Some ideas:

  • TomboyX has what you’re looking for: Gender Neutral, LGBTQ+, and Tomboy Shirts | TomboyX
  • Wildfang aims for exactly what you’re describing too. A lot of their clothes would be too bold for normal office job wear, but they do have some basics, like this: The Essential Corduroy Long Sleeve Button Up - Wildfang
  • Do the clothes on the labeled as mens/labeled as boys side of the store fit your body? J Crew’s boys department is a staple of my household.
  • There are a lot of smaller brands out there that are trying to do more masculine cuts on people with curves. If you’re on Facebook/Instagram, I get ads for them constantly: I can start sending them to you if you want. I’m not their target audience but for some reason I’m on the list!
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Eh I guess so. I never liked how ‘women’s’ clothing fit me as I hate how they emphasize the chest area and they fit so close in the shoulders. I like things that fit a little looser.

I’m 5’2 and 177 lbs so I’m not a stick and a lot of ‘women’s’ clothing seems to be designed only for sticks. Also I hate floral themes and there’s so much floral bullshit and don’t get me started on the ‘bedazzling’ stuff.


I hear you on this.

Could you wear sweaters? What is your office ‘dress code’ (formal code or informal)?

Why do you hate buttons? Because it’s a pain to button them all? Because they catch on things? Because the can unbutton on their own? Because the shirts can gap?


I hope you find something you love! I’m around the same height and they don’t make it easy for us.


Lord don’t even get me started about how hard it is to find pants that fit AND have decent pockets.


Uh maybe? Boss wears dress slacks and a button up shirt, the rest of us wear dress slacks/chinos and polos. So not too formal really.

All of the above. Plus with polos I can just slip them over my head and boom! done.


I think a light sweater or even heavy jersey top would work. Just so it’s heavy enough to not look like a tee shirt. A tunic top could work (unless you tuck in your shirts - then there is just too much fabric).

Sounds like your work is pretty business casual.
A nice sweater might even be more dressed up than usual. But there are lots of casual lightweight sweaters.


What should we do for food after a root canal (his) and four fillings (mine) next week? And how long should we need special food?


Ice cream. Forever.




We didn’t need special food after either procedure. I think I made soup because I wasn’t sure, but other than something like, IDK, corn on the cob or taffy I think you should be good.