Random Questions

I think your cat is just super into you.




LIterally a thing I have said to my cat in a fit of exasperation.


Luigi has gotten needier as he’s aged. I’m not allowed to sit anywhere where he cannot be pressed up against me. There is pawing of my legs and whiney barks if I’m sitting at the kitchen island or the dining room table(not while eating, he knows he is not allowed while we eating).

Husband reiterated the stuff about grain free and his recommendation is always to stick to the big 3 when it comes to dog/cat food: Purina, Hills or Royal Canin. The sheer amount of science and testing that goes into those diets is insane. If going with more boutique brands, make sure to read the ingredients.


You get me.


Gotcha. Maybe I just cancel the order of the Buffalo Blue dry stuff then? I think switching her off to a bunch of foods might be bad for her? Or is that a myth?


Some animals have upset stomachs when switching foods, to avoid this you can slowly introduce new food in by mixing with old food. First day 75% original diet, 25% new…etc.


She used to live with a lot more people (and maybe another cat?). I would guess she’s reacting to that. Nori is only moderately needy, but he’s a lot less clingy when he’s at my in laws where there are 10 rooms and 6 people then at our house where there are 6 rooms and 1-2 people. He gets a lot of entertainment just from walking room to room checking on everyone and when it’s just the two of us he gets bored more quickly.


I am really hoping the kittens get needier as they age, especially Emma! Nobody wants to cuddle except for Aslan, and he’s getting so old :crying_cat_face:


Oh gosh yes this. So we visit or host family for the holidays and it ends up being a very full house- 11-14 people and 4+ dogs there full time, usually for a week+. Lil Pup LOVES this. She always is heartbroken when we return home/people leave our house. And that’s just a short period of time. She would love that to be our daily life. Damn extrovert :laughing:


This sounds like a nightmare :joy:

I can’t even deal with more than a few people as guests.


That’s just my immediate family and our spouses :joy: it would be even more if we weren’t estranged from my sister and her family. That would be another 8 people (2 of them kids) and 4 dogs last I heard.


I say that to my dog most days. The kids want her to be devoted to THEM but nope, she’s alllll about me. So now they are demanding kittens, who will probably end up liking me best. :joy:


I was secretly hoping you would ask him :slight_smile: Thank you for doing so!


Two of my cats routinely want attention while I’m trying to sleep, usually when it starts getting light out. One pokes me in the face until I pet him, and the other wants to cuddle. It’s part of their routine, though, not new behavior.


I have an early-morning hair-chewer and mattress scratcher… :roll_eyes:

Do you all think we’re in a housing bubble that will burst, or is this just the new normal?

As mentioned in my journal off and on lately, I’m feeling some panic about never being able to own property and feeling some urgency to buy - which I will not be doing anytime soon because a) no down payment and b) very uncertain about what city we want to be living in. This reminds me a lot of how we felt in 2007. OH SHIT we are going to be priced out if we do not pounce NOW. This proved to be a very, very, BAD decision of BADNESS for us. I do not wish to repeat this.

I read something the other day that there are now bidding wars to rent apartments, with people offering way over the listed rent?! WTF.


I think it depends regionally. Like the GTA prices are steady until climate flooding. London England seems solid until climate change.


I mean, NOLA just had a category 4 hurricane yet home prices are skyrocketing just like everywhere else? It’s confusing.

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This. People have been moving to my city for decades and the pandemic only amplified that. I’m fairly certain these prices are here to stay, so we’re buying now.

Other areas might not be so popular. In an average city where people move in and out, it’s probably going to slowly return to something slightly lower at some point. But in a city like say, Austin, which has been popular forever*? I doubt it will ever go back down. This is just my very uneducated opinion.

*forever = my adult life