Ooo, thanks! I wouldn’t have thought of that!
Does anyone here get migraines? I just started getting them and I was wondering-- is it normal to feel the nausea first, before the headache starts? I’m still not convinced what I’m experiencing is a migraine or necessarily all related. I also started a riboflavin vitamin last night and I feel like shit this morning, curious if that is a thing?
Pretty sure mine are always the headache first, though they can feel more like just pressure or “out of it” type feelings without a lot of pain.
Good to know! I’m definitely getting intense headaches too, but I can’t tell if this nausea is an early migraine sign. Doc said to take the migraine med as early as I can but I sort of can’t tell yet when I’m going to get one until it’s well underway.
I get nausea and/or dizziness before some migraines, and I’ve had some migraines that were basically all dizziness. Most of my migraines present more typically though. My usual tells for migraine onset are vision distortion or light sensitivity.
Started getting them a couple years ago, and they’re still pretty rare for me, but at least in my case the headache seems to be the first symptom. I’ll get visual distortions and flickering in peripheral vision as it goes on, but the ache is always the first thing I notice.
I would sometimes get … maybe nausea, maybe just loss of appetite, the day before. But loss of peripheral vision was usually the first thing that made me sure.
Using past tense, and I have to say, I’m not really finding much downside to the menopause cure.
Hm, I’ve not had the peripheral vision loss at all or any visual distortions, just light sensitivity. Ok, thanks all! I’m going to think about this a bit.
So sorry for the many posts y’all! I am v chatty today. I’m curious if anyone else would be interested in a thread for people who are considering renting forever rather than buying? I’m in this boat and I feel like it would be great to bounce ideas around and share a bit? LMK.
- Yes, I would participate in this thread!
- I would read it , but not participate.
- Not interested.
- Taking polls is my anti-drug.
0 voters
It seemed so rude to reply no, but I already own a home lol. I probably wouldn’t participate.
I think you’ve made your position clear. The lines have been drawn.
This is totally a thing on my mind these days - sometimes renting forever sounds great to me and sometimes it seems horrifying. Would definitely come over to ramble and flail on this topic!
I’d be happy to participate as someone who just made the decision to buy for the first time after renting the last 15 years.
It’s an interesting conundrum especially in a lot of areas! But in my current neighborhood and our likely future neighborhoods the finances favor buying really heavily.
Yeah I suppose I could weigh in on why buying seemed like an overwhelmingly superior choice for our circumstances, but I also worry it would end up with too much navel gazing lol.
I get headaches before nausea.
What seems to help my migraines which may be specific to only me
I may have figured out what was triggering my post-exercise headaches / migraines. I have tested low for various electrolytes, especially sodium, for years now, and even lower when I tested earlier this year. (I cook most things from scratch and seldom eat processed foods so I’m one of the very few Americans who seems to have too little, instead of too much, sodium in my diet.)
I’ve been using a rehydration drink often before rides, after as needed / desired, and sometimes the day before. It’s supposed to be made with with salt and sugar, but I’ve been using molasses instead of sugar for a more balanced sweetener. 16 - 20 oz of water, 1/4 t salt (I use a mix of iodized salt and Himalayan sea salt) and 1 t of molasses. I typically heat it up in the microwave for up to a minute to help the molasses dissolve.
Hey this might be helpful so thanks!
I also cook nearly everything from scratch and don’t eat a lot of processed foods! I find I’m mostly getting migraines in the morning, sometimes I even wake up with them. Maybe I’ll try more salt in the am. I did actually go for a 6 mile hike yesterday and it was pretty hot, and I woke up today with the headache and nausea. I’ll try your rehydration recipe after my next workout, thank you!
The only times I’ve ever had migraines was when I first went paleo in college and was way too low on salt. I have found I have to VERY mindfully include enough salt in my diet. Helps with my nausea too, which is usually mornings, and with low blood pressure symptoms.
What kind of test did you do for electrolytes?
I get post-exercise migraines as well. At first I thought they were from dehydration or lack of electrolytes, but being super on top of my hydration never seemed to help. I eat a lot of salt (and love salt) so now I’m veering deep into a fantasy that I need even MORE salt.
I did a big exercise thing yesterday and of course woke up with a migraine today. Ruined my whole day, and I had things planned. This is not unusual, so I am interested in your remedy.
I also get pain before nausea (there is often no nausea, and I think when I do have it it’s been triggered by pain), but I do have visual issues (photophobia, etc.) preceding the pain. I do a lot of “is this a migraine or are those lights just really bright” and living alone there usually isn’t anyone else around to ask about the lights.