They claim that while they do sometimes use kennel dryers, they are not heated. Thanks for the warning not to Google. Some pet smarts apparently do have daycare but none near us or near destination boat.
Ohhhh I don’t have any kids and maybe that is the difference…
But also, I feel like there is a stage of just “adult” between “young adult” and “middle aged”.
If there had been a “5-10 years older than whatever age I am now” option I probably would’ve picked that. I’m mid-30s now and I suspect my definition of middle aged will change over the next ten years if it’s tied to a specific number.
you’re right, i will probably never feel like it applies to me!
Yeah, me too. Double my age is feasible, but highly unlikely- therefore I am old.
Haha, I did say mid thirties! My friend was like wtf it’s 50s minimum. I guess I think of 0-early 30s as young, mid-30s to mid-60s as middle, and then 60s to 90s as gandalf the grey . Over ninety is gandalf the white.
If I take myself out of the equation and just think theoretically, mid-40s definitely sounds like middle aged to me. But I just turned 45 and in most ways feel very much NOT middle aged. Most of my furniture is still hand-me-downs from my mom, for crying out loud.
Is there a way to get an estimated drive time that factors in morning rush hour traffic/school zone traffic? I was thinking about what my morning commute might look like in the fall and Google Maps said 20 minutes and I’m like LULZNO, not with those school zones!
In Google Maps you can change the day and time of your trip (at the top left under where the addresses are). This is on a desktop, not sure about mobile.
You should be able to do it on mobile too.
Asking in your town’s reddit or some local Facebook pages might be worth looking into also. Odds are that other folks have a similar commute and could give you an idea.
Waze, too, specializes in real time drive time! Make sure you do time of day
Ah okay, I can either do multiple destinations or change the date/time of the trip but not both. I had two stops so it wasn’t showing me that option. I still think it’s being really optimistic about the hellscape that is school zone traffic though.
What places have you all seen to get feedback on your monthly budget, investments, etc? I like reading the Frugalwoods case studies, but early retirement isn’t our goal, and our dog + monthly subscription spending (e.g Netflix, Scribd, Peloton, etc) would look wild in that context. I’ve submitted stuff to r/personalfinance, but there doesn’t seem to be much nuance there. Do people do it here?
I would totally read and participate in a case study thread! FWIW.
People have definitely done it here Either as a case study or as part of the money diaries people were doing a while back.
In the past I’ve been active on the mr money mustache case studies, but they tend to be fairly “face punchy” so proceed with caution lol.
That’s about what I expected! I’m looking for somewhere where I can admit to spending, I don’t know, $300/monthish on my dog at the lowest without horrifying good people on the internet.
I feel like this is the sort of crowd that would help you brainstorm on places to cut or how to get similar value for a lower price on things that are important to you.
I remember getting face punched for paying $350 a year for work parking over on MMM and it just felt so demoralizing.
I hear you! And, grateful for this space. At a different point in my life I posted my budget on r/personalfinance and got a steady stream of comments about my spending $30/month on coin laundry in my building, which, there was simply not much I could do or was going to do about it.