Random Questions

No I haven’t lived as an adult with a toddler. Now that you mention it, I’m not so sure it would be safe on the sink.
I’d probably put a horse head on the end of it, sanitize it after any use, and let her play with it.
It’s probably a good thing I don’t have kids.
I’ll show myself out now.


Maybe I should have posted this in the parenting questions :joy:


She can’t reach the sink. That’s why it’s on the sink.

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Thank you for the laughs, I needed that today and I apologize if I’m exasperating you


Look, if my solution works today that’s literally better than no solution at all. That’s how parenting works. You find a solution that’s good enough for the existing moment knowing that it will shatter to smithereens before too long. :joy: That’s why we’re all fucking insane. That and the lack of sleep.

My hope is just that the solutions work long enough that the tallness and the emotional development can happen at the same time, and eventually she’ll develop impulse control.


I’m happy to delete if you would like. I have learned a lot from reading all of the parenting stories here and my hat is off to all of you.


Between a big appetite and eating lots of fiber I I occasionally have to use the plunger in a strange location. It’s horribly embarrassing to have to ask for it especially if I just put the only toilet for other guests out of commission until it arrives.

I need to quit trying to post from phone I hope all the typos are gone now.

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The TMI is my worry. My FIL and my mom are both known to stop toilets, and it’s a low flow one :neutral_face: so I would LIKE to provide this valuable resource. But my MIL was offended last time she was here so… :grimacing: we’re up shits creek without a paddle, if you will.

I guess a major flex on my mother-in-law would be to put up a shelf just especially to have the plunger sit on it. Position of honor. :joy: (eta psych bathroom is so small there’s so way to do that unless I take the hand towel down)


Poop knife?




It’s a part of reddit folklore:

I sort of view it as a description of how growing up you only have the experience of living with your family and they may not be 100% normal. We all have metaphorical poop knives.


Why was your MIL offended? That it was on the sink or that it existed at all?

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Also, in general I don’t think it is so much that all you Americans are big pooping toilet clogging monsters. It’s a toilet design issue.
The video in this link is pretty good:

Your toilets fill the bowl up and then it sucks away the waste. Our toilets only have a small amount of water in the bowl, but when flushed it dumps the cistern to the bowl pushing it away.

We also have two buttons which is good from a water conservation angle. Half and full flush. One for wee wee and the other for poo.


Would this work?

Is there somewhere not in the bathroom you could store it and then put it on the counter when specifically your FIL/mom come over? I really really hate having to ask for a plunger, but I also wouldn’t want to have it on the counter during my normal life, especially if that’s where I brush my teeth. Also it just seems really easy to knock over with an elbow while washing hands.

If forced to choose I would say “no plunger.” If someone needs one they can be an adult and ask, or they can be a scaredy-cat and pretend nothing happened and then the next person to use the toilet can ask where it is.

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That it was on the sink

But FIL comes over with MIL, who was the offended one.


It is not where teeth brushing happens. It’s a half bath downstairs. It’s the main daytime bathroom, but not the prep one if that makes sense.


Nope that would get Toddler Explored :nauseated_face:

Eta and to be clear, I mean with her mouth. Everything, everything is licked and put in the mouth. Her hands are also constantly in and out of her mouth. As is the Toddler Way.


Then I think the special plunger shelf is the way to go :joy:

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