Random Questions

I read the “drooping” part of the name and can’t stop hearing Sad Trombone. Womp womp.

I need someone to find links on explaining death to a five year old. Mr Meer best friend just passed, Kiddo thinks it’s like video games

I’m stuck on phone and not desktop so searching is a pain


I’m so sorry for your loss. Here are a few I’ve heard good things about:


Is wheat pasta or a US produced rice a more sustainable “go to”?

Eta the rice is bought in the big bulk feed bag style bags (20 lbs?) and the pasta is 1lb cardboard boxes with a small plastic window. :woman_shrugging:

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Kind of a toss-up IMO both in terms of packaging and production.


Why does my tax refund include cents?

Everything on the IRS tax documents is in whole dollars. I filed my return for a refund of $58. I received a refund of $58.03. I don’t think I’ve ever received cents before.


Interest because it’s “late”? They might have guidelines on processing time.
Covid relief credit?


Any trans friends or friends with trans friends know what areas have decent, trans-friendly healthcare and policies? Sis & her fianceé are considering moving to a place that feels like a better fit/more accepting of them and I said I would help investigate.


Would they be eligible for Medicaid type programs or would it be more conventional health insurance?

Generally speaking, all of the west coast states and the east coast from Maryland north are pretty good, from what I understand, when it comes to state Medicaid programs.

I’m less familiar with things like name and gender marker change ease.

If it’s private insurance, Starbucks is by far the most consistently recommended company to work for in my groups as far as health coverage for trans-related care.


I think one tricky thing is that a city or region can be very friendly, then the state government may not be. Lots of levels and intersecting authorities. Also the opposite is true - the state can have reasonable policies, but the region or city is not friendly.


Lambda legal has a chart of rights by states & healthcare is one category included (with various info about it): https://www.lambdalegal.org/


I’ve been impressed vicariously on how well Oregon does in general. The state, from my understanding, requires health insurance plans to cover “medically necessary” treatments for gender dysphoria. As someone whose insurance only covers HRT but not surgeries, that sure sounds nice right about now.
Oregon also has as non-binary as a legal gender you can get on your IDs, etc. Though this doesn’t seem directly important to your sister, is indicative of a level of openness.

That said, the only places I’ve directly lived have been MN and WI. I’d pick MN ahead of WI if your sister was choosing the midwest. The Twin Cities are awesome and MN has progressive policies compared to other midwest states.
(I love where I live, but it is frustrating sometimes).
eta: in 2019 there was a big case here and now people who work directly for the State of Wisconsin have healthcare that is required to cover trans health. :tada: So that’s good. But I would still not rec it as a destination for a couple specifically looking for a trans friendly location policy-wise.


Guelph Ontario canada.


lol yeah WI is as I expected… Not… the worst. That’s the tagline.



I’m making instant pot spinach saag. it’s a household staple but this time I wanted to add tofu. Only I was a duffus and cubed and added the tofu and just hucked everything in there and hit GO and now I’m realizing that I blend the greens after its cooked which means blending the tofu as well.
Bad plan???

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I have no idea, but report back :joy: I’m guessing “just really rich mouth feel”.


salutes I will report back LOL.
We use saag for random stuff, like as an alternative for sauce on ravioli etc. Neither of us are picky eaters or super iffy about texture but this might push the boundaries LOL.


I bet the tofu will disappear into it, adding mass and protein without changing the texture or flavour.
Let me know if I’m right.


Skin under a splint care?

Mr. Meer has a small splint for a finger joint that he 3d printed and then uses tape to keep on. The tape he’s been using is waterproof and it sticks a lot better than the other tape which is mesh type stuff, but it also does not breathe and the skin under there is getting funky not quite three weeks into what’s supposed to be twelve weeks of wearing it. He doesn’t want to leave the splint off in case his hand suddenly gets twitchy (the other muscles have been twitchy because of how he’s having to use his hand differently with one finger out of commission). He’s been occasionally taking it off and using rubbing alcohol to wipe the splint and veeeeeeery gingerly wipe his finger joint.

Batsignalling @Bracken_Joy (if you’re not currently agro’d by a toddler :wink: )


Can he switch to the other tape for a couple hours per day? Like if he’ll (calmly) be at a desk and it doesn’t need super staying power?