No-Buy Curious

I do this on Pinterest!


Nooooo there is no failure here! Only trying something new to see if we like it or if it works for us. And if not, no harm done!!


I tried to thrift a few Christmas gift ideas I had and struck out today. Definitely the downside of thrifting.


Things I am doing instead of buying stuff this holiday/weekend:

  • Unsubscribing from emails
  • Ordering chatbooks I already paid for with my subscription
  • Using existing subscriptions
  • Decluttering
  • Taking care of what I own

Full transparency! I bought two sleep sacks yesterday. That is all. I’m considering it a win since it was a planned purchase. No manufactured sense of urgency, no emotional spending.


OK folks. Basically one more big day, and maybe a trickle throughout the week, of sales to resist for things I don’t need and don’t even really want if I think longer than the time it takes to hit “checkout.”


Waiting for my symphony Cyber Monday discount email. Starting to wonder if they’re not doing a discount this year?!

I bought mostly consumables (body lotions and such) this year except for a few merino items. Now ready to spend on experiences!

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Ok y’all I’m gonna do a little baby no-buy today through Friday. This includes food, as I’ve got ~plenty~ of food in the pantry and freezer. The only exceptions are if I need something for a work trip this weekend, but I can’t even think of anything I’d need for that.


I don’t think I need to buy anything for the rest of this year except:

  • Diapers
  • Groceries
  • Potentially some additional pieces to complete the shelving I’m building & ensure it is safe/sturdy
  • Gifts

So! I think I can do a Buy Nothing month in December, excluding the above categories.

Then we’ll be at 2024! And the month of practice should help me put this to the test and see if I need to make any exclusions known for next year. (I already know I need new bras post-nursing, and I won’t restrict child enrichment or health.)


For better or worse, I made a bunch of purchases during this month’s buying window (20th to end of the month for me). Some of them are consumables that we restock every few months or longer: granola bars, laundry detergent, replacement bike tires. Turns out, a long weekend with some downtime is a good time to catch up on deferred maintenance. That’s all well and good but it still feels like so much consumption. Our poor planet…

I also bought some clothing that isn’t strictly necessary, but fills some wardrobe holes due to post-childbearing size weirdness. Two shirts for husband to replace a hoodie and a flannel shirt that are wearing out, a 3-pack of footies for the baby who is already outgrowing my carefully selected used 12 month things :open_mouth:.

I am lusting after, but did not buy, a cargo bike that can carry 2 kids. Instead we took an hour to force-fit a second baby seat onto the current bike. It’s not ideal, but it’s ok for short trips. We will end up making a purchase before daycare commute starts in May, but I’m hoping to at least do some math before taking the plunge, and maybe even resell some unused gear first (less inventory).

It’s interesting how even once the necessary purchases start it’s easy to slide into optional things. I think next month I’ll add a rule that things need to simmer on a list for at least 7 days, and maybe shorten the buying window to 25th-31st (having most of the month clear of the constant cycle of shopping, comparing, optimizing, unpacking, etc. has been really nice so why not extend that). And resist the temptation to add one for me when holiday gift shopping!


My intention to do some no-buys for next year has already been helpful: I purposefully took photos of crafts books I was salivating over at the cute cute bookstore we went to this weekend.


Now that I’ve pretty much reset my wardrobe since a bunch of clothes didn’t fit right anymore, I think I want to really do No Buy for a while. Right now I feel like I have everything I need and it feels really great. I don’t like inflicting rules on myself so these are more like guidelines to live by.

I am allowed to spend freely on consumables and experiences, and on my cats :wink: For any “stuff” it really needs to be a very thoughtful purchase, something that really adds value to my life. I really can’t think of anything right now, except the phone where I’m waiting for a deal. Hopefully I won’t be buying any stuff for some time!


I want a Jenni Kayne cocoon cardigan. This is a perfect birthday gift for myself if I can wait til March.


I failed already :sob:

I bought fleece pants for myself because it’s been really cold and my fleece tops are so warm (was using store credit, so effectively free). Then Marmalade asked me to buy him some new khaki pants that actually fit, and I added a pair of lightweight black pants for myself to the order.

But I did talk myself out of getting another merino hoodie today in the last few hours of a Cyber Week sale. If I really want it in a year from now, I’ll buy it then.


I also failed. A pan-Asian market opened in my old neighborhood and it was a good field trip with the baby. I bought many snacks and I dont regret it lol


Groceries don’t count, IMO.


something something reframing to not use the term failure


I think I’m going to buy the wool hoodies (plural!) to get a bigger discount. I’ve had a kinda stressful day and still haven’t packed and I am fairly sure that if I sell them on the Facebook wool group that I’ll recoup most if not all of my costs if they don’t work out. Wearing my fleece reminded me that synthetics retain smells and now I want to give it away. I never even liked it, it was a gift. But it’s very warm!

Anyway… um… No Buy after these purchases?? :laughing:


I just replaced sleep attire that was a synthetic and was never going to rip but was starting to retain smells with new cotton pants which I’m sure will wear out. We are not required to live with smelly things.


I found a 15% off coupon that stacked with the 25% off (both off original price) so now my entire purchase is 40% off and a no-brainer! I don’t think I’m ever going to find a better deal.

Honestly it was printing out the hotel invoices for Hawaii that did it. I was like fuck it, just get the stuff while it’s on sale, either I’ll love it forever or I’ll sell it. What’s another few hundred anyway. Travel is expensive!

Um… so I am doing a terrible job of No Buy. But after the Cyber Week sales end today I will have to wait until next year if I want to get my deals.