No-Buy Curious

hitting pan is an accomplishment! maybe someday, i will, too!


I set up a 529 with a gift link for our kiddo’s birthday. We have a small gift list we are providing too. People want to gift us things but we have so much stuff in our house, this feels like a good alternative to offer. Plus I have my mom’s magical facebook group that has everything we could ever want.

If people want to get us gifts, this way they can also fit our lives!


If we successfully spawn I will so so so be doing this.


Sent the too-small stroller muff out the door since someone on BN asked for it. Then I picked up some off brand duplo made of recycled plastic for Ravi to gnaw on. One in one out!


I know the answer is yes, but you guys are set up to get the match from CO, right? I love free money!


I bought two neck pillows today. Sleep is a priority on the Thailand trip so I have to get some on the plane. I also got two generic sets of packing cubes and two outlet converters with USB ports. IDK if we’ll actually need to convert any outlets since we’re mostly staying in hotels but figured it’d be nice to have some phone charging stations and not have to share/fight over them

Washing the thrifted clothes and will try them on tomorrow (several of them were line dry which I will probably disrespect in Thailand lol but for now I’ll be nice to them!). Hopefully some good outfit ideas will come to me and I can fill in gaps from there.

The woman who was going to alter my wedding guest dress (she did my actual wedding dress too) got COVID so she asked to reschedule. That was Sunday. I texted her on Tuesday asking how she’s doing but not about the reschedule part. No answer. Do I text again or wait til Sunday? It’s not like I can fit in an appointment this weekend anyway. Just talked myself into waiting.


I just want to say I’m proud of myself for not making any rushed fast fashion orders with this impending trip. I am going slowly and assessing what I have and thrifting the majority and that feels nice. I don’t think I would have done that without the comradery on this thread so thanks!


(No I don’t have any bras yet don’t ask me about bras)


We are! We set it up through the state 529, college invest. We get a free $115 just for opening the account with them!


I feel like bras live in an entirely different universe where any and all shopping ethics don’t count


It pains me but I think I’m going to have to get some cheap ones that can get soaked in sweat all day every day and washed/rung out every night. And possibly thrown away at the end of the trip :see_no_evil:

ETA: In Thailand in February, t’s 80-90 degrees with 80-90% humidity EVERY DAY. That’s if it doesn’t rain :crazy_face: I already sweat in my own home at a climate controlled, dry as a bone 68 :neutral_face:


In my ongoing quest to drink down my tea until we have manageable and sensible levels of tea – drank two samplers up!


You win some you lose some but I was influenced to buy some Brooklinen sheets after a friend gave me a set that was too small for their new bed. They’re nice but that set was also too small for our bed (we now have the fanciest pull out couch sheets lol). And there was a Presidents’ Day sale. Idk I just cannot look at my dingy, pilling, sad sheets any longer


I am very tempted by those sheets. They seem lovely.


I’ve heard nothing but good things from many friends, and the sale pushed me over the edge.

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I think we’re going to put some things in storage for the renovation (they don’t fit up or down the stairs, so it’s store or sell and buy new once we have the refreshed space), and as part of thinking through that, I’m considering what isn’t worth storing/protecting, but instead just buying a new thing once we move back. Our sheets (and mattress) are definitely on that list.


We need a new mattress too but I’m not ready to spend that much $. So instead I bought sheets :laughing:

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we needed a new mattress in 2020. We bought a mattress cover pad thing (2" of padding?), and that gave us an extra few years.


I have a very thick wool topper which adds a lot of comfort and I hope it lasts forever!

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My no-buy update. I was doing great in January-- I didn’t buy anything besides food. But I was away from home the entire month so it was on easy mode (although I was sorely tempted to order a new piece of furniture when I got home. Fortunately that desire has passed!). Since I got back home I’ve gone on a bit of a buying binge, some of which are items that I wasn’t supposed to buy new:

  • a power strip with an extra long cord that reaches to our sofa
  • an over the door pocket organizer thingy

Some purchases that are arguably within my self-imposed rules:

  • new pair of $15 sunglasses because my favorite pair got stained and gross
  • two new bras to replace two that are completely worn out
  • some new KN95 face masks that I hope will actually fit my face

I would also like to clarify my rules for myself. I would like to allow the purchase of any needed supplies for making things. I have several making projects in the works (some furniture, a floor cloth, potentially some weaving projects) and I am not intending to have to source everything I need for these used.