Life is dark. Go watch some '80s movies. But use this as a guide to keep the questionable ones away from your minor children (coming from a woman who watched The Breakfast Club with her teen daughter and then had to explain that, yeah, the '80s really were that awful…)
I loved it when I was a teen, but looking at it now, Revenge of the Nerds was much worse than “Borderline Offensive Sex.” I mean, I get it, the movie is supposed to be juvenile and stupid, but I do think that it crosses the line at least twice…once when the ‘hero’ is in the Darth Vader outfit and interacts with the main jock’s girlfriend, and once when the nerds install and use the cameras. Yes, I’m being vague, but if you’ve seen the movie, you know what I’m talking about.
Yeah The Breakfast Club and Sixteen candles are also awful in terms of total lack of consent
The amount of casually done rape in 80s movies is flipping insane.