It me!
Costco rearranges things every few years - WHERE’S MY MILK!?
Oh my god yes. My Costco recently split where they keep dairy? There’s now 3 places you can find dairy and it’s KILLING ME. I can pretty much always find what I need but every single trip I need to direct someone out of the “wrong” dairy section who is lost AF.
when I was in elementary school my parents got into a car accident and my older sisters came back from university to take care of me and my little sister. My mom made them a grocery list by aisle.
Obviously better days.
The 242 dicks got me
I run into this too.
Excuse me while I look up falcon genetics that is fascinating. We have so many parrots but now i wonder if we have any local falcons, this is not something I’ve checked and whether Kites are falcons or eagle related.
I had to check! Even having taken ornithology in college I didn’t know that! But I love the idea of glass cannon parrots
Also reeling from the hawk/parrot revelation this morning. Stunned!
Attack parrots!
Weaponized parrots!
A friend had a pet parrot - luckily he never bit me, so I view them as pretty well weaponized already.
Glorious. Culmination of years of absurdity.
Sulphur crested can be mean brutes when kept as pets so i am, on that level, completely unsurprised by this revelation of attack parrots