They took Schitts Creek off Netflix. I don’t know what to do with my life.
It’s on Hulu if you can get that.
Thank you.
The sugar glider thing was a whole Journey!! An Adventure!
Thank you. So that’s the premise of the show!
I am so glad there was a whole saga. Excellent. My brother had sugar gliders for over a decade, I love being able to picture the noises.
I’m 95% sure that this is the fancy playground in my hometown and it was built in 94, so our society has made an even more precipitous decline.
We have one just like it on the Oregon coast but I can’t find what year it was built!
Huh, I guess it would make sense that there would be standard playground designs. The sky in the picture is not nearly gray enough for it to be Northeastern Ohio anyways
Ours was built last year. We are alive and well.
I am so jealous you can have them as pets!
We had one here that my nieces loved going to when we had sleepovers. I assume it’s still there.
I mean, we probably shouldn’t lol. But at least in my brothers case he took over their care from a shitty roommate, so I didn’t feel like he had a moral grey area there. They had long lives and he didn’t get more after they passed away. They’re sweet little critters though, very cuddly.