Oops it me sorry homeowners
My sister was going to get vaccinated. Last night she called saying she wasn’t because her mum and step dad and have said people who aren’t vaccinated can’t visit their house. So now she is not getting vaccinated to spite them
What. Just, like, lie?!
But she visits them all the time usually. She likes them. So to not get vaccinated just because they said they wanted her to makes no sense.
Yeah that’s downright weird.
Some antivaxxers got seated next to me and my sister in a restaurant. I heard the word “sterilize” and I’m pretty sure the context wasn’t syringes. Then they talked about who they had heard had died. I wanted to go up and tell “do you know what causes that” to their face. Still not sure that not doing so was the right choice…
That one is a family favorite at my house.
lol this makes me think of the janelle monae song “screwed” where she sings
let’s get screwed, i dont care
you fucked the world up now
we’ll fuck it all back down