Meme-ing our way through


Editing now that I have a minute, no idea if anyone will even see this at this point but it was a meme from Wall-E with the captain saying “We’re now nine months into a our three week quarantine”. I thought the text was funny, it was pointed out that the picture could be fatphobic and that the movie was fatphobic so I deleted it. My apologies, that hadn’t even occurred to me and I will try to be more mindful in the future.


Could very easily see that as fatphobic FYI



I also endorse this message.



I read it as fatphobic too - pretty sure the joke is “lol quarantine makes people fat” :roll_eyes:


It’s a modification of a quote from the movie though. I don’t think the captain is supposed to be the punchline. I think the weird “we’ve been in this way longer than anyone foresaw” reference was the goal?

Eta like for sure, the movie has some problematic messaging around weight. Not debating that part at all. Just, I don’t think the weight of the captain is meant to be part of the humor of this meme.


I agree that’s the intent buuuut… but people here are telling us that they find it hurtful.


ETA you beat me to it


If a black person tells me something is racist, I listen.

I am a fat person, telling you that it’s not okay. You get to choose whether you listen or not.


I don’t think we should avoid depicting people of various shapes- that it’s own form of discrimination (through erasure). And the only thing relevant to weight in this meme is the depiction of the captain. The joke is a reference to Gilligan’s Island (which was a “three hour tour” that apparently lasted for years).

ETA on rereading: but I don’t know the movie ( didn’t know it was from one), so maybe that colors the meme in ways I’m not aware of.


The running joke in the movie is that people get fat while living on a spaceship, having become too lazy to walk. It’s… extremely problematic. In the movie, fatness is also used as a proxy for having lost connection with nature, because sure, why not load another shitty stereotype onto fat people.


I don’t remember that being the plot, though I could be forgetting it. I’ve just googled and found zero reference to the humans being force fed.

:heart: Just a reminder that as we talked about, if a post is upsetting (regardless of the intent of the poster) it’s more than okay to flag it, which takes it out of rotation until it’s been looked at. I think this is where some of the thought was coming down on how we as a community can better handle things without a misunderstanding.


I think regardless of the intent of the meme or the quote referenced, the meme itself is interpreted to be hurtful by people who have specifically asked that we as a collective forum try to be more open to noticing how pervasive fatphobia is.

While I do think discussion of intent can help (me) to understand why something is harmful, I also think it’s ok to just be in a space of “I Hear You and I’m trying to understand” and not perpetuate the pattern of person-who-is-hurting having to be the one educating.

ETA I actually forgot about flagging, @Oro, thank you.


May I respectfully suggest that this conversation migrate to the fatphobia thread?


I’m sorry you feel like you have to justify your existence. :heart: I know this topic has been a really really hard thing for the forum lately and I don’t have any magical solutions.
I didn’t suggest it because I wanted the discussion (or you or ANYONE) to go away, but simply that this venue is not the place for it.


Shouldn’t marginalised groups call out problematic stuff when and where they see it?


Yes. :heart: and you did. But it feels like it’s becoming a discussion beyond the meme at this point. The meme was hurtful to you and others, it should be flagged and Lily should identify if it should be removed.
Do you agree?

eta: I have no authority here!

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No, I don’t agree.